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Everything posted by ChevyBoy95

  1. ChevyBoy95

    WTB/WTT: Looking for a good 4 ch amplifier...

    i have a Oxygen Audio Spiral F150. 140 shipped OBO
  2. ChevyBoy95

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    to tell you my honest opinion on the job, you cant even tell the slightest bit that i got into a wreck except for the slight color difference.
  3. ChevyBoy95

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    FLUSH! Starting the dowels
  4. ChevyBoy95

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    Been doing a little assembly in my room...
  5. ChevyBoy95

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    ha a little delay on the truck due to holidays and such, The install is about to begin, should be getting the truck tomorrow and starting the wiring and the box assembly maybe tonight. yes, you can notice a slight paint difference, this could be due to many factors, as paint age, not being completely dry and cured, etc. But if it ends up different, it doesnt bother me since i will get the truck repainted in a few years to a dark green or navy, and the amount of work to cost was VERY little (paid 1500 less then i should have and it is all QUALITY work.)
  6. ChevyBoy95

    100% the most EPIC ZCON flex. Ever

    looks like it gets damn loud in there.
  7. ChevyBoy95

    can someone sketch me up a plan for a box??

    sure, post max dimensions
  8. ChevyBoy95

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    should be louder now that it will be in a PROPER enclosure. I salvaged an old one to make the previous box. has only 93sqin of port (WAY TO LITTLE). truck is almost done though. no?? on another note... should have it ready before Christmas. gap between the cab and the bed is because the bed is off and just sitting there, they had to move it to weld some on the backside of the cab. only aesthetic work to be done now. pretty sure this is my final box that i will use
  9. ChevyBoy95

    Welcome to the IHoP

    christmas is almost here. also quite a cool vid right here. http://redux.com/stream/item/2134517/Working-Model-of-Stephenson-s-STEAM-ENGINE-made-of-GLASS-Rare
  10. ChevyBoy95

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's cheap.. but you would have to x it over some how http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=300-383 not enough power. i need around 100 watts at 4 ohms. or so http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=320-302&FTR=4x100w%20@%204%20ohm%20tk2050%20class-d%20audio%20amplifier%20board or http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=320-300 with http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?&DID=7&Partnumber=320-316
  11. ChevyBoy95

    Just recieved my zcon 15!!!!!

  12. ChevyBoy95

    Just recieved my zcon 15!!!!!

    1500 in 5 ga is pushing it, i wouldnt really trust 4ga with more than 1500
  13. ChevyBoy95

    New SDD10's arrived

    love the dustcaps.
  14. ChevyBoy95

    Charging XS Power Batteries

    i know the old battery charger i have, the fast charge charges in the high 15s or low 16s. The slow charge is around 13.7. Glad i saw nathans post before i put them on it.
  15. ChevyBoy95

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    was quoted about 3k-3400 at most places, which is about the cost of the truck. Then went to a guy that is a good friend and has worked on my brothers truck for years, and he said he would help us out and do it for 2k-2200. The only reason i didnt sell it and buy like a blazer or something, is because i KNOW how dependable the motor, tranny, etc is in this truck and it is flawless. I didnt want to go buy something and then in a year the tranny go out or need some major fix that was unnoticeable before.
  16. ChevyBoy95

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    Went to the shop to see how the truck is. Floor is pulled back straight, now the cutting will begin, looks like it should be done just before christmas hopefully. as it sits right now, doesnt look like much, but a bit has happened.
  17. ChevyBoy95

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    wreck kicks, RCAs, wiring, PAC LC-1, fuse blocks, etc is all in there layout Update 1 (might be still processing)
  18. ChevyBoy95

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    Ive kinda been neglecting this build log, but might as well update it since I will basically be starting over. So some of you know that I had a wreck :facepalm: , well now its time to rebuild basically from the ground up. Things will be done in this order: 1. Headunit in 2. Deaden everything pretty much (passenger side, back, and floor) 3. Alternator (3,4, and 5 might come after 6 and 7 so i at least have tunes) 4. Batteries in 5. 1/0 throughout (2runs of pos and neg) 6. Kicks and doors (speakers) 7. Mids highs amp 8.Temp L7 15 in my old DC level 4 15 box 9. Sub amp in 10. and so on... List of equipment: -2 Kinetik HC1400s, 1 Kinetik HC800 -Mechman 200a Alternator (14.2 charging hot) -Soundstream Goliath Tarantula XXX-6500 @ 2 (~3kwrms) -DC Level 5 18 -Cadence Wiring (~50ft of 1/0, ~100+ ft of 14ga, 15ft of 8ga) -Oxygen Audio Spiral F150 for mids and highs -Dayton Audio PA165-8s and ?(maybe type r coaxes or idk) -Audiotechnix Sound Deadener -Alpine CDE 125BT headunit (might upgrade so i can have a 4v preout) -DB Link fuse holders cant think of anything else... Box for the DC will probably be BCarter's Design he did, or a VERY close tweak of it. ~6 cubes, 33-35hz, 120-135sq in of port (i say tweak because i think +125 sq in would be overkill and cause issues with power) Temp box for the L7 is a old one of mine, 3.4 cubes, 33hz with 3 4in pvc tubes. Absolutely hammered lows so hopefully it does the same with the L7.
  19. ChevyBoy95

    Welcome to the IHoP

  20. ChevyBoy95

    Which Fi sub for Home Theater??

    that room is badass.
  21. ChevyBoy95

    Which Fi sub for Home Theater??

    :roflmao: :roflmao:
  22. ChevyBoy95


    go pa then. seleniums are great, have used them. and are a lot cheaper than comps.
  23. ChevyBoy95

    PSI... Mixed Signals..

  24. ChevyBoy95

    Sleeping on the Couch

    sp4 or
  25. ChevyBoy95

    Outrageous Deal | 6-10pm EST | Tonight!

    Does your interwebs not work until a certain time? i can never remember what time zone im in, so i was looking for the deal and 2 minutes late, it was 9:02pm here and it was over.