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Everything posted by weasle421

  1. weasle421

    is this site legit

    He is close friends with Jake, who is quite busy, so ordering from him might be faster. Correct.
  2. weasle421

    is this site legit

    http://www.splbassx.com/forums/index.php?showforum=57 More info there...
  3. weasle421

    2010 Accord build

    this build has had quite a lot done to it in the past few months, you can check all the progress here http://www.splbassx.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11208
  4. weasle421

    t/s specs vs actual sound quality

    still here bitches................
  5. weasle421

    t/s specs vs actual sound quality

    That is utterly hilarious.........I needed that laugh.
  6. weasle421

    t/s specs vs actual sound quality

    its sad that if you aren't in the clique on this forum you must be a moron. Great way to turn this site into another CA.com........
  7. weasle421

    t/s specs vs actual sound quality

    that's your current status......and validates my point exactly. Mine too. If OP's would spend a little time trying to make a thread useful then there would be no troubles, but that you can easily see if you've truly searched. This forum is about helping people not only with their question but understanding why so that they grow as a person. That requires effort on their part. please just delete my account...................................
  8. weasle421

    t/s specs vs actual sound quality

    that's your current status......and validates my point exactly.
  9. weasle421

    t/s specs vs actual sound quality

    sounds like your talking about yourself
  10. weasle421

    t/s specs vs actual sound quality

    This isn't the only thread I read. And you are the main mod I was referring to. You have always been a condescending arseho, I'm sorry if the world doesn't see things from your perspective, but i don't wanna get shit in my hair....
  11. weasle421

    t/s specs vs actual sound quality

    I haven't been on this board in a while due to life. I come back and see its turned into CA.com Moderators who think they know everything and are total asshats to every other member. I give this site 6months and it will be a ghost town. Used to be a great forum, I cant believe its turned into this.... I'm pretty sure Ibans point is to show that t/s isn't the end all be all, just cause he doesnt have to put a paragraph to say yes or no doesn't mean he is wrong.
  12. weasle421

    Lots of 18s

    Full Tilt or close to it vids PLEASE or better yet let me stick my head in the port...
  13. weasle421

    How bad is your hearing loss?

    haven't been tested but i hear tv's whine, few seem to be able to hear it.....used to think I was nuts...
  14. weasle421

    Legalize It

    Don't forget the logging and timber industries using thier money to keep it illegal because Hemp makes stonger and cheaper products than trees....
  15. weasle421

    Installing vinyl graphics on tinted windows

    reflective has a stronger adhesive than regular vinyl, just be forewarned
  16. weasle421

    SAZ-4500D Pre-Sale

    now if ya just had an 18 to take one of these daily... Damn, guess I need to see if i can find some drug trials..
  17. weasle421

    Installing vinyl graphics on tinted windows

    rubbing alcohol works fine for cleaning. for application fluid put like 2-3 drops of dish soap in a spray bottle, and a lil alcohol (like an inch) and fill with water. if it sticks too quick add another drop of soap if its too slow and doesn't want to stick add some more alcohol. Vid covers the rest pretty well, if the vinyl keeps wanting to lift with the transfer tape no harm in smoothing it back out and waiting for it to dry more small water bubbles will dry out in a day or two, just like tint. air bubbles will need to be popped, anything with a small sharp point will work, needle x-acto, new pushpin ect.
  18. weasle421

    is it safe to run 3500d @0.25 ohms

    keep in mind if you run it below 1ohm you void the warranty, don't mean the amp won't do it just if it does go you gotta pay for the repairs
  19. weasle421

    Sundown e8s

    so keep the E-8 and offer a larger 8 for the power whores
  20. weasle421

    Prototype "SA" Series

    so hurry up already.....
  21. weasle421

    sundown power pwning my windows

    holy chit dude!!!!!!!
  22. weasle421

    What would burn through speaker leads?

    gonna ask the stupid question here Are you positive they burnt and did not break from over excursion, reason I'm asking is you mentioned you were playing a song with lots of lows. Leads could have touched when they broke, popping the fuses. Or I could be low input voltage at the amp.
  23. weasle421

    demotivational pictures v11billion

    thats awesome scotty :bigclap:
  24. weasle421

    Old Kicker resolution R6 components

    I got a set of the old separates series 6.5" a few months ago and let a buddy buy em, now I'm thinking I may try to get em back. They looked like they had never been installed. I lost the pics I had I'll try to get some in 2 weeks when I'm in aiken again.