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Everything posted by weasle421

  1. weasle421

    missinglinkaudio ups your voltage

    you do know that 15.5 isn't gonna charge a 16v system
  2. weasle421

    8 inch woofer?

    anything new on these?
  3. weasle421

    poppin 250 amps on saz 3000d

    ibanender did some tests a few years ago with maxi fuses when meca started the fuse crap and depending on brand was getting 5-10sec burps of 300a through a 50a fuse
  4. weasle421

    Good LSQ subwoofers.

    just a side note the q and havoc are designed by the same person who did the originall xxx
  5. weasle421

    Uhm.... Batteries.

    since you are stuck with the 130a alt i would go as big as you can fit of the list above would say the nsb90
  6. weasle421

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    http://www.subwoofertools.com/forum/ported-box.asp box and port designer http://www.carstereo.com/help/Articles.cfm?id=31 port calculator
  7. weasle421

    New Heatsink

    no, he kept the changes subtle for that reason
  8. weasle421


    RIP always loved his cars
  9. weasle421

    tryin to catch me ridin dirty.

    yes in a way i guess it is but weed stays in your system for 30 days and the harder drugs stay for 72hrs.......
  10. weasle421

    tryin to catch me ridin dirty.

    Be glad none of ya'll live in Georgia if you can test pos for it you can get a DUI for it! no BS I got pulled for my tint the other day and cop asked if he could search cause i was "glassy" my eyes are effed up and always that way. I concented cause i knew if he took me for a test i would get a DUI. I had a dugout in the truck, which i gave up, may say i'm dumb but gettting a simple possesion charge beats the hell outta getting a DUI, which he didn't charge me with cause i concented. Had i been a dick it would have been a much worse day, but i haven't been to court yet so it may still end up sucking if I don't get conditional release. First offence doesn't go on your record if you are good during probation.
  11. weasle421

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    i so want the Soundmagus H500, but will have to wait and see what my fines are If you still have it in the middle of march (yeah right) they i will probably get it
  12. weasle421

    Cranking amps test!

    http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_0...CBattery+tester somehting like this? you can also get it with a little printer to label and keep track of the batts but it doubles the price, sears also has that kit
  13. weasle421

    Sundown SPL Truck

    can't imagine why cough*nightshade*cough
  14. sell me the 4800 cheap with the subs?
  15. weasle421

    Information Sundown

    I belive he is asking is a similar amp possibly branded "suono" is fairly equall to the sundown on lower voltages One would assume the amp in question if I am right is from the same buildhouse....but it is not necasarily or likley built to the same specs as sundown
  16. weasle421

    what recones come with 0.7dvc

    Sorry didn't mean to become a "stalker" just curious why, but it makes cence now if you wanna get rid of em let me know. I am gonna be buying something else to drive soon and it is gonna need some knock
  17. weasle421

    what recones come with 0.7dvc

    most of Fi's dual 1 coils are .07 dcr IIRC and scott would have the info to make the recones I'm sure. Now why the hell are you reconing new subs...? if they are the dual 2's just run em at .5 on a sundown....
  18. a freind used to use 2 at 16volts competing. he was getting 46-4700 each @1ohm (and yes they are current whores) went to 4 saz 1500d and got more power with less draw got 5700 out of a strapped pair the batts in the background of the pic is what was running the memphises also http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7117 belive its 8 of the 8v and 2 powermasters 16v batts and still lost a m4kw to low voltage
  19. weasle421

    Window Flex

    try bracing or deadaning more the rear wall if its a truck
  20. weasle421

    X series clearance

    looking at 2 pairs of 12's if any are left?
  21. weasle421

    Plexiglass, how does it "alter" the sound

    The thicker the acrylic the better of course. Personally i wouldn't use less than 1" But i work in a sign shop. As far as getting it i would check with your local sign shops to see if they would sell some "scrap" to you cause a 4" x 8" of 1/2" is around $350 wholesale. where ya located i may be able to help...
  22. weasle421

    Amp model availablity

    From what i understand they are very busy with OEM projects and cannot commit to a date for another production run.
  23. weasle421

    Fi Bl T-line

    I'm sorry, but to me a short bus is just screaming for a wall of blt's and an ass of power.
  24. weasle421

    Wow I am impressed!

    I belive he bought the proto
  25. weasle421

    woodlawn Cabinetry

    I have one of his boxes that i got used with a RE12 and i wouldn't hesitate to buy a box from him. Very well built!