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Everything posted by mrogowski

  1. mrogowski

    Got MAW?

    You're dead.
  2. mrogowski

    Got MAW?

    How's the back? Me =
  3. Have you considered going with a Sonotube rather than building a box? They're cheap and you can get yourself going within a few hours. Sub on the bottom, port on top. Best, Mark
  4. mrogowski

    home speaker: sub replacement

    If you want to shop Canadian, check out what McBride has: http://www.loudspeakers.ca/products.htm Best, Mark
  5. mrogowski

    MAW-12 Home theater

    Yes, no problem. Perhaps look into snagging a Sonotube - good, cheap and easy to put together. Best, Mark
  6. mrogowski

    MJ-18 LLT

    You guys should have seen my house when I was running sweeps with that setup... The magic frequency was 28Hz. EVERYTHING was moving.
  7. Well, that way you can concentrate on the data lines and output filtering. Plus, it would be cheaper since they won't be paying more for XLR connectors. You can buy more tubes then..
  8. I know, but wouldn't it be ultra cool if you didn't have to do that?...
  9. I find the 2496 to be a very powerful unit. All Behringer has to do is come out with a home audio version and get rid of those XLRs... One thing I can't understand tho is the folks who buy the Behringer 2496, EQ AND Feedback Destroyer. Why bother when you have all those options in the 2496? You don't need the other units. And yes, a watt does not equal a watt. That's why I'm running Crest on my bottoms...
  10. mrogowski

    MJ-18 LLT

    Agreed. It seemd that there are more movies coming out with alot of the ultra low stuff. I can't see it making THAT much of a difference. You will still get usable bass down low, and if you EQ it, who cares? Best, Mark
  11. mrogowski

    MAW-12 Home theater

    The whole trick to doing a HT sub is to build big and tune low. There is much more usable information in the nether regions as compared to straight audio, so you want to get as much of this as you can. If you can sacrifice going a bit bigger, 3 cubes tunes to 22Hz should give you good output for HT. Best, Mark
  12. mrogowski

    MJ-18 LLT

    For sure, keep us updated on it. I still have to fix up the pictures on the blog...
  13. mrogowski

    So my alternator is hosed

    Suck it up and buy a new one! Sorry to hear that - I DESPISE car repairs in any form, simply because everytime I took my old Lumina into the garage for something minor, it ended up costing me over $1000. This was EVERYTIME... I know, I know..... Alts can sure get expensive too...
  14. mrogowski

    Maw 15" port area?

    If it were me I would do a single 6". Given its length and the fact that you will be faced with using an elbow, perhaps revisit the slot option. You will end up using roughly the same amount of space inside the box either doing tube or slot, so whichever way is easiest for you... Best, Mark
  15. mrogowski

    Maw 15" port area?

    With those choices I would choose the dual 3". They will still be noisey, but at least you are pushing the noise down to lower freqencies. Best, Mark
  16. mrogowski

    Im a newb

  17. mrogowski

    I r new

    There should be a rule that states lurkers who lurk for more than a year get an automatic 1000 post count.
  18. mrogowski

    New Supplier Of Power

    Should be interesting...
  19. mrogowski

    So when I originally bought my car

    That's it, tell her who's boss!
  20. mrogowski


    Hi Steve, Loyd has made some suggestions that may affect the overall cost of the unit. So currently, I cannot say for certain what the final cost will be. What I can tell you is it will not be as much as a DD Best regards, Mark
  21. mrogowski


  22. mrogowski


    Yeah, the language of the bigbassman can sometimes be difficult to interpret: washer = top plate (the metal plate you see between the basket and the magnet) t-yoke = the backplate with the shaft going up the middle of the magnet structure
  23. mrogowski


    Come in!
  24. mrogowski

    yay first post here

  25. mrogowski

    Mach5Audio soon to be on SSA Shop

    Yeah, sorry for the massive delay here. What should have taken a week has now taken a month. Not passing blame, but this homeland security thing is really getting out of hand... The shipment sat in Tacoma for two weeks while the ship it was on got a thorough lookover by customs. Then on to New York, where the shipment is getting yet another anal probe. Its there now so its not far away... Best, Mark