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Everything posted by mrogowski

  1. mrogowski

    shipping question

    Ok, so I assume things are fine then?
  2. That's OK man, you can show your appreciation by purchasing a pair just to have.
  3. mrogowski


    If you can spare a few more $$, you can get this combination: http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/showdetl.cf...tnumber=248-664 http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/showdetl.cf...tnumber=248-745
  4. mrogowski

    2 Q's..

    The IXL-10's are being finalized. They will go to production real soon. I recall one gent over on ca.com using his SPL-12 in 3 cubes tuned to 38Hz and he likes it. But if its more SPL related you want, perhaps tune higher, say ~45Hz. In my test I had one in 4 cubes tuned to about 40Hz and it was plenty loud for me. I'm an old man though so take what I say lightly. Best, Mark
  5. I just updated my first post to add T/S parameters and payment method. Thanks, Mark
  6. Oh yeah! They would be *extremely* happy with 2500 watts. They need more power to get going compared to the IXL's, but given their stiff suspension, that's pretty typical.
  7. You can shoot me payment via PayPal if you wish. Either that, or wait and I will have a pre-order selection on the webstore that you can provide your credit card with. Best, Mark
  8. If I can get commitments for ten units, I will proceed with the order. Timelines are as follows: - Ten units ordered or 2 weeks (March 17); whichever comes first. If I do not receive commitments for ten units by March 17, those who have committed will receive a complete refund and we move on. - Estimated production time is 21 days (this is an approximate timeline) - Estimated shipping time to Mach 5 in Winnipeg is 25 days - Folks will then receive their unit(s) 2-5 days afterward once I receive the $80 balance. If you paid the full amount up front, they will be shipped to you immediately. Shipping times subject to the courier Best, Mark
  9. mrogowski


    I should have numbers by mid next week (not SPL numbers but the other stuff).
  10. mrogowski


    Better start saving your pennies then...
  11. mrogowski

    Input on 8's

    We tried the unit in Pugglsey's car, and despite the fact that it blended well with his mains, it didn't seem to produce the raw output he was used to with is eD 15. Of course, an 8" will never perform like a 15" would, I think both of us were expecting a little more output than what we got. So, back to the drawing board. I'll let you know when the next iteration of it is complete. Best, Mark
  12. mrogowski


    I believe it was more like 4db. A guy with four IXL-15's hit 155 with the old; 151 with the new.
  13. mrogowski


    That's what I heard. Do you know what differentiates the old TL from the new(er) one? When you say new are you referring to "brand new"?
  14. mrogowski


    Well, I'm going to have 5k on tap this summer, but I highly doubt I will be able to achieve that in a 2001 Bonneville
  15. mrogowski

    quick question $$

    Something like that should be fairly close to original price IMO. Keep in mind the MAW line is priced below what it be to begin with. Best, Mark
  16. mrogowski

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What is FSC?
  17. mrogowski

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes, I'm sure its located in a very desirable area of the city...
  18. mrogowski

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This is perfect for you guys. You can start up SSA right there: http://baltimore.craigslist.org/rfs/583053466.html
  19. mrogowski

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not expensive enough. I think you should be looking at the $800k+ homes if anything...
  20. mrogowski

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Remember, I said 'was'. There used to be a site called 7of9.com that had some real nice pictures of her. Seems to be gone now.
  21. mrogowski

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Jeri Ryan was hot... Why don't you talk about more manly things like arranging floral bouquets or waxing?
  22. mrogowski

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Gee, every time I come in here you guys are talking about the gym, and fitness and other gay stuff like that...
  23. mrogowski

    SPL 12 issue

    Who needs an amp when you have the wall socket.