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Everything posted by mrogowski

  1. mrogowski

    IXL-18(s) in car?

    Duct tape isn't environment-friendly enough...
  2. mrogowski

    IXL-18(s) in car?

    That's what tie-downs are for.
  3. mrogowski

    Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    Ok, rather than going on another post deleting rampage, I will ask Richard if he can start a new thread when he is ready to post the second part of his testing.
  4. mrogowski

    Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    If it works for you, I say use it
  5. mrogowski

    Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    Oddly enough, this is not the first time I've heard of this issue with AQ and DD. Perhaps you have your setup proper so it is not noticeable.
  6. mrogowski

    Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    Don't post dump Baccus...
  7. mrogowski

    How many MJ-18 can i put on 2 saz-1500?

    I would say to keep what you have, as I do not have that many 8 Ohm units in stock. Best, Mark
  8. mrogowski

    Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    Off-topic posts have been removed. If you wish to start a new thread on how to get loud using Mach 5 products, by all means, start one in this forum. Otherwise, I suggest you take your topic to the general section. Thanks, Mark
  9. mrogowski

    Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    Good work my friend! Thanks so much for taking the time to do this and post the results. You earned your stars...
  10. mrogowski

    Initial SPL 12 impressions

    Just bumping this as Stratus is doing more testing with it this weekend...
  11. Here's the list of inventory that will be auctioned on April 23. http://www.auctionflex.com/showlots.ap?co=...on=〈=en Interesting that the list contains all the boxing with the name "AudioPulse" on it. Perhaps I'll see some of you there.
  12. mrogowski

    TC Sounds Liquidation Inventory

    He had 300B's? I was eyeing that up myself actually. But it could be yours... for a price...
  13. mrogowski

    Mach5Audio MLI-65

    Madisound has been around a long time...
  14. mrogowski

    mj18 installed

    Tell your shop they can sell them if they wish...
  15. mrogowski

    mj18 installed

    The rating is 600 watts RMS, but folks have pushed 1kw in both configs provided its clean. Nice install thus far...
  16. mrogowski

    TC Sounds Liquidation Inventory

    I can deliver them to you... for a price...
  17. mrogowski

    TC Sounds Liquidation Inventory

    Let the bidding begin!
  18. mrogowski

    Welcome to the IHoP

    9/10, not knowing the rules is what has people knocking hockey. I know you played... when you have played, it brings a whole other level of appreciation. BTW, the Wild weren't THAT bad... out shot Colorado badly, more physical than them, but that line with Forsberg is a tough one. If they play the whole series like last night, they will run Colorado into the end boards. I know, but to fight all season for the action to happen at home and then give it away right in game 1 is frustrating. So, when are we being invited over to your mansion Sean?
  19. mrogowski

    TC going belly-up

    Good for you. Hope things work out well.
  20. mrogowski


    Do it! And post pics! Thanks for that. I'm sure they won't last long.
  21. mrogowski

    missinglinkaudio ups your voltage

    So is this an advertisement for your product?
  22. mrogowski


    It will be ownage... period.
  23. mrogowski

    Happy Birthday Neil!

    Crap, too late again... Well, happy birthday anyway.