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Everything posted by mrogowski

  1. They are on their way to me now. m
  2. mrogowski

    Any beer snobs here?

    Drinking micros with copious amounts of American hops has really turned me off to the style unfortunately. I have come to the conclusion that American IPA's are forcefully over-the-top and seem to be made simply to 'one up' the other brand. If you want an IPA that is based closer to the original English style of years gone, get your hands on Sergaent's IPA from Old Yale Brewing in B.C. It has a multi-dimensional flavour that is quite deep, and considering it is an IPA, is quite balanced (if thats even possible when speaking of an IPA ) Be careful though. I recall having one or two that were from what I would call a 'spoiled batch' - one dimensional, unbalanced; somewhat reminiscent of my first home-brewed IPA I made. I can only assume that they were dealing with consistency issues at the time. MMmmmm... breaks my heart thinking how I can't get it anymore...
  3. mrogowski

    SPL-12 - ROE Style

    For those who like watching videos on ROE, I decided to record an SPL-12 in the Bonne. Oh, and its gangsta music: http://www.mach5audio.com/download/spl/Mach5-SPL12.wmv
  4. mrogowski


    Ok, update on the SPL drivers.... They *are* leaving the buildhouse on Saturday May 17. My apologies to those who have been waiting. They are on the way! Best, Mark
  5. mrogowski

    Any beer snobs here?

    Ok, I lied. I'm not a beer snob I like <almost> all beers!
  6. mrogowski

    Any beer snobs here?

    Beer snob? Why yes, yes I am...
  7. mrogowski

    SPL-12 - ROE Style

    Thanks for the fix. Yeah, definite leakage. Not one of my better box builds. Trust me, my skills are much better than that
  8. mrogowski

    So... I've got a pair of MAW12's coming

    Viper, if you want to test a PR for me, let me know...
  9. mrogowski

    So... I've got a pair of MAW12's coming

    Viperoni jumped on a couple of used units I had here. Should be interesting to see the results...
  10. Ha, yeah I wish. Either way, its still a setback that we have to deal with. m
  11. So I guess their statement to me last week was a bit premature. They are waiting on the SPL-15 crates which were supposed to be delivered, but never made it. I told them to put a rush on things. Thought you guys should be updated. Mark
  12. Nope. It will take a few weeks travel time. Trust me, you'll be the first to know when they arrive
  13. Just an FYI: 20AWG wire can take about 30 amps of current before failure...
  14. mrogowski

    Screws vs. Brad Nails

    I've seen MDF fail while the glue joint remained intact...
  15. mrogowski

    Sub response vs efficiancy?

    Hi there, It sounds like you've been around IB and pretty much know what it is you want. I do agree with M5 though - I doubt you would notice a weight difference by dropping from four 12's to two 15's, unless of course, other excess weight follows (amp(s), battery). I also wouldn't be too concerned about switching from four 12's to two 15's either. If you can match the displacement-per-power ratio between four drivers verses two, there will be no compromise in output whatsoever. You mention the 12's were only working at around half excursion. Unfortunately, not knowing the design, you could very well have been reaching Xmax at that point (or past it) and not know it. If however you do know the parameters of the 12's and can roughly judge just how much you were exerting them, this can be a baseline for choosing 15's that will work for you. The folks who tend to worry more about excursion are those who are building subs for home theater applications (e.g. this driver has 2mm more Xmax than that driver so it MUST be better - yeah right...). Since your focus is on music only, excursion by itself becomes a much less of a factor, but a factor nonetheless since you are now trying to equal the output of four 12's with only two drivers. Can you move to two 18's instead? If not, then you are left with choosing two fifteens that can handle the throw and more power to achieve what it is you can already do. Good luck! Mark
  16. Ok, so the SPL-15's will be heading to me this week - on schedule So, 110% on the reactor!!
  17. mrogowski

    help with HT sub box.

    Usually about 3-4 inches. Do you have the parameters of the sub? You would normally want to build large and tune low, if you can. Doing that will allow you to pick up some of the ultra lows that exist in today's movies. Best, Mark Edit: Ha! Sean beat me to it..
  18. Well, the used Orion 8004 crapped on me and after trying to pinpoint where the issue was, I decided to scrap it. Noticed the Zapco i-450.4 selling at a local shop for $190USD (on EBay). I know it is a new line, but I'm curious if anyone has used one, or can tell me if the price is decent. Looks to be about what I'm after - 4 channel @75watts RMS, has all the xover bells and whistles which I won't need. Using it for complete active setup. Thanks, Mark
  19. mrogowski

    Zapco i-450.4

    Oh, well that's not a good sign is it...
  20. mrogowski

    Zapco i-450.4

    Ok, cool. Thanks!
  21. mrogowski

    IXL-18(s) in car?

    Won't know until they are ready to ship. Sorry.
  22. mrogowski

    Mach 5 spl subwoofer for daily driver?

    Can I ask how much power you have on tap?