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Everything posted by mrogowski

  1. mrogowski

    Dinner is Served

    Yup, prime example of a very low budget "high power" amp and lack of system calibration. Needless to say he is looking to get a better amp to drive a single SPL-15. m
  2. mrogowski

    2 MJ18's on 600w

    Pretty good!
  3. mrogowski

    MLI book shelfs

    You can go with 0.7 cubes (net) with a 3 inch port 12 inches long. This should tune it to about 45Hz. Good luck! Best, Mark
  4. mrogowski

    MJ 18m

    Get two of them. Then you will have dual 4's
  5. mrogowski

    ixl 15.2.2

    Precisely. So, if you want to do a 3 cube net enclosure, make it 4 cubes gross volume. If you like the dimensional look of the test box I put together, the inside dimensions are 27"L x 16"H x 16"D. You can tune a bit higher - say 30Hz for that added bump if its going in an auto. For this, your port is 2.5" x 16" x 35" long.
  6. mrogowski

    IXL-15 Designs

    Ok, give me a bit of time and I'll come up with some.
  7. mrogowski

    Any beer snobs here?

    Man, you're lucky. Make sure to skip over the border in Belgium and have a Flanders' special....
  8. mrogowski

    MJ 18m

    Sorry, it is only available in single 4 Ohm configs.
  9. mrogowski

    MJ18M Sealed or ported?

    Good luck, and fill us in on your progress.
  10. mrogowski

    ixl 15 2.2

    Hmmm... Certainly a tough call, since I do not know much (nothing) about the Type R except all the raves from the volume guys. The recommended box sizes are a guideline for folks to get started. You seem to have a fairly high tuning, so if the MAW was doing well for you, the IXL will do better (it will peak higher resulting in more output with the same power applied). Not sure if you caught this but a guy is selling a brand new IXL-15 on ca.com - you might want to check it out... m
  11. mrogowski

    MJ18M Sealed or ported?

    Ok, I can see how that would be a potential problem. Can you afford vertical space? Reason I ask is you can go with a box with a "small" footprint but tall. For example, if you can do up a box with internal dimensions of say, 10" x 19" x 70" high you achieve nearly 8 cubes in gross volume. You can then mount the driver on the front and the port at the bottom or top of the cabinet - or front/back with an elbow if you go with tubes. This will allow you to achieve a lower tuning and help to bring in the ultra low end you would desire for HT.
  12. mrogowski

    MJ18M Sealed or ported?

    Ok, what you will want to do (if you can) is to build big and tune low, so you can get the subsonics that are present in movies these days. If you look at the EBS suggestion, this will put you in that area. If you want to go with a simple and easy build, snag yourself 20" and 8" Sonotubes. You can bang together a sub in less than a day. Best, Mark
  13. mrogowski

    MJ18M Sealed or ported?

    Is this for home or car audio?
  14. mrogowski

    Mach 5 IXL vs Fi Q

    Well, good for you! You gotta like it when businesses screw up like that sometimes. Too bad about the girl tho...
  15. mrogowski

    Which subs?

    Yup, in the virtual flesh...
  16. mrogowski

    Which subs?

    The IXL-18 is a big box driver. I suggest using 4.6 cubes for sealed. This configuration results in an overall Q of about 0.65. Ported, about 7 cubes, and since you're playing music only, tune to 30Hz. If your intent is to have the option to add on later, a sealed configuration would be a good start. You can always change if you feel you need more output. Best, Mark
  17. mrogowski

    Where has Mark been?

    Yeah, my holiday from the holiday is called 'work'.
  18. mrogowski

    Mach 5 IXL vs Fi Q

    They better give you something for all the hassle - free tank of gas, a few bucks off... was the salesperson cute?
  19. mrogowski

    Which subs?

    Hi there, Your question is pretty open-ended. I don't think anyone can provide you with an accurate answer given the fact that all setups are installation dependent. The general rule is more cone area rules over less, with all things being equal. So, if your intent was to build a 6 cube box for example, having two MJ's in there would probably be slightly louder than a singe IXL. On the flip side, I have heard from others that given the same size box, a single driver in a ported box could be louder than two in a sealed enclosure. Perhaps if you provide a bit more info, folks may be able to respond better... Best, Mark
  20. mrogowski

    Mach 5 IXL vs Fi Q

    Yeah, hurry up
  21. mrogowski

    Mach 5 IXL vs Fi Q

    Interesting. The IXL-18 has done very well with the home audio/home theater crowd. Not many use it in car audio due to the fact that it simple requires such a large box to operate. There's a gent from Oz who did a build using two IXL-18's recently. Perhaps check a page or two back for his thread...
  22. mrogowski

    Mach 5 IXL vs Fi Q

    Hi there, I'm not sure if anyone can answer this due to the fact that there aren't many IXL's out there yet. Best, Mark
  23. That's quite the stack Arthur...
  24. mrogowski

    Where has Mark been?

    Back.... thank goodness. I'm glad "holidays" only come one a year
  25. mrogowski


    Yup, a good box size for this unit would be 1.7 - 2 cubes. Tune it 33-35Hz... m