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About chrishova

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/04/1973

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo

Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Christopher Huber
  • Gender
  • Location
    Norfolk, VA
  • Interests
    Car audio and preformance
  • Vehicle
    '97 Grand Prix, 300a AD244, XS D3100, SAZ3500, SMD
  1. chrishova

    The Tax Season Sale.

    I am wanting a XS D3100 or two, do ya'll do free shipping?!?! I'm tired of waiting on audiosavings to get them in!!! They are doing the 15% w/free shipping, but are swamped...
  2. chrishova

    Sub wire size

    I asked Geoff https://www.facebook.com/AudioAnonymous?ref=ts about cramming 2 wires into the speaker terminals and he sent me these DUAL 8ga inputs. He custom makes anything to fit anything, reducers of all sizes, whatever. The link is his fb page and this is his online store http://teamprojectdb.com/ . The facebook is the best way, and if he has any questions, or you have any, you can talk it out! He has been in the game for a while and seen it all! Good stuff!
  3. chrishova

    Sub wire size

    That's what the dual 8 gauge inputs are for... Plug the dual 8ga. inputs into the speaker terminals, not the amp
  4. chrishova

    Sub wire size

    DUAL 8 GAUGE SPEAKER INPUTS, DUH! Project db FTW! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1306192987163.2035851.1600682969&type=3#!/AudioAnonymous
  5. chrishova


    Thank you! I can finally run the SAZ3500D @ .5 ohms ! Still mite need more batts...
  6. chrishova


    Here's a better look at it on my youtube, also some new vids of Ty Houston's H2 ... http://youtu.be/XbUqGW3v-yQ
  7. I finally did it! I got a AD244 in my '97 Grand Prix with this bracket - http://store.alternatorparts.com/a500-cs130d-ad230-ad237-to-ad244-cs144-conversion-bracket.aspx I researched for a while now, had to shave a little off the alt., but it bolted up and plugged it in and works great. I would post pics but can't figure out how with the new layout. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/423922_2522769080805_1600682969_3457785_1143037732_n.jpg
  8. chrishova

    Maryland Car Audio

    There's Pulse Audio! I believe Team Deadly Hertz has peeps up there, I'm in Norfolk, Va and I know that!!! There's going to be a ''show'' there Jan 22nd!!!
  9. chrishova

    hello from germany

    Better Bass, B2 audioNice list of stuff! I was looking at the "Better Bass" stuff from Sweden, it looks AWESOME
  10. chrishova

    hello from germany

    Wie gates?!?!
  11. chrishova

    Outrageous Deal | 4 - 6 pm EST | Tonight! 11-27-2011

    WHERE?!?!? What site!!! So you don't know what's on sale till ou "checkout"??! Do a few shirts and hats, please, I don't like the "monogram" SMD stuff...
  12. chrishova

    "Breaking In" of Subs.

    My SMD did take a while to break in, Nick told me it would, I almost sent it back, lol... Still running it at 1800w due to electrical... It still POUNDS!!! I'll be upgrading my electrical after the holidays!!!
  13. chrishova

    Black Fi-day

    apparel is ALWAYS GOOOOOOOD!!!
  14. chrishova


    Specs? Will you take minty trade-ins?!?!?
  15. chrishova

    Time to upgrade

    I have 1 SMD 15" in my Grand Prix and it BANGS!!!!!!!! If you get them new, they DO take a few weeks to break in , they will get louder EVERY day!!! You found a dual alt bracket for a Pontiac? What kind?