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About lb187

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/23/1975

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tampa, Fl
  • Interests
    Proud team captain of:
    TEAM UNDER PRESSURE of Central Florida
    Team Florida 2011 SBN
  1. lb187

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    I just stopped by. Saw the beef always, imo i thought the box wasn't right but gl to new build.
  2. lb187

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Two totally different subjects. Yes, but some constants between them. Yeah because someones Mad as hell.
  3. lb187

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Two totally different subjects.
  4. lb187

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Just a thought...ever think the box was the problem with the 6 12 build?
  5. lb187

    6 18's woofer porn and blowing some air around

    very nice , very well put together & clean.
  6. lb187

    8 SKAR 12's 2 Crescendo 3k's

    Ty sir, nothing to fancy. Once i get done with school, many things will improve cosmetically.
  7. lb187

    8 SKAR 12's 2 Crescendo 3k's

    Thanks M5 for the kind words didn't know we needed the extra comment since i did something so wrong.. any ways i will be going to the USF car meet tomorrow will post up vids of a few Florida boys pounding it out Reppin Bassheadsent.net One of the best box builders/designers round. Laters.
  8. lb187

    8 SKAR 12's 2 Crescendo 3k's

    Double post
  9. lb187

    8 SKAR 12's 2 Crescendo 3k's

    Nothing special just trying to get a little flex going. 8 SKAR VVx-12's on 2 Crescendo 3kwp's @ .5 Thx 4 lookin.
  10. lb187

    4th order build continued (M5)

    Well excuse me that on a build log that was posted M5 blasted the designer/builder. "Someones math is confused, VERY confused. Its not gonna sound good." That was his very first comment. That's constructive criticism? Without rhyme or reason just blast the design because he "could have done it better" but he offers no advice. Just criticism. As for credentials... what does it take to be a "Tech crew" member??? Hours of sitting at a computer with programs and graphs? Or actually "BUILDING" enclosures for 10 years. I cant look up M5 anywhere to see what hes done except thousands of post on the internet. As for the builder/dsigner?? Google, Db Unit, then You Tube Iamamp3pimp and when done check out BASSHEADS.ENT Lets not talk about the hundreds of customers that are loud and sound good thanks to him. Why else would people defend the builder/designer if he didnt know his shit lol hmmmmmmmm
  11. lb187

    Is it human nature?

    Why no, no he didn't mention that thread. Others did. My generation was brought up with old school lessons still intact. My parents from 2 different racial backgrounds. 1. Midwestern farm. 2. From the segregated South. They taught me to get respect you have to give it. I never will insult a person without at least attempting to understand where they are coming from before i remark.
  12. lb187

    Is it human nature?

    Funny i thought it was over... But just a reminder, It was Ryan (malibu's) build thread not a how to. Honda 95 responds with a graph then M5 with his math comment. In life you need to learn how to address someone for better results. In technical writing there are ways that deal with these types of responses. The tone was all wrong.. If m5 would have approached the thread differently it wouldn't have went the way it did. And he happened to insult a very well respected individual in the CA scene. So why wouldn't he expect a backlash? He began with a statement that the builders math was wrong and VERY confused. Instead of asking a question a little less abrasive, to see what the builders/desiners thought process was. But when his credentials were brought up he goes incognito. Still not proving why his credentials are any better than Robins. Just doesn't make sense.
  13. lb187

    4th order build continued (M5)

    For the record it will be metered in the next week when he has a chance looking like this coming weekend.
  14. lb187

    4th order build continued (M5)

    By your own reasoning then the party that sought to disprove the designer/builder should " show" his evidence why..................... Again the 1st comment in the thread by M5 was, "Ouch, someone's math is confused. Very confused. That box will not sound good...I don't even need the Skar T/S to tell you that." Cmon bro, we get your point. M5 already said he wasn't coming back. HE ISN'T GONNA ANSWER YOU. I hate to be an all caps keyboard warrior but seriously. You said what you had to say, made your point. You can stop. If he doesn't he only proves that he has no real answers. Kikin asked a very very valid question. We have Dylan and Robins abilities and credentials and (math) been in question why cant his be?