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About rameleg

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  1. rameleg

    Extremely Disappointed

    So technically we are all right.. we just seem to have a defferent prospective as to what causes the actual failure... Final conclusion: Unicorns are much louder than mermaids.. because unicorns are real.. duh...
  2. rameleg

    Extremely Disappointed

    You apparently don't understand the difference in average power between a sinewave and squarewave. I most certainly do... and yes it is seeing peak current for a longer durration thus the AVERAGE power applied to the coil is raised... ... we are basically arguing the same point from different angles... the coil DOES in fact see more average current... thus it gets hotter... the coil DOES have a significant more time in a "resting" position at the top of the wave so it cant disipate the additional heat caused by the higher avg current... so technically we are both correct.... I just personally believe and have witnessed the fact that I can use our big crown and there are no issues.. use the smaller Crown (1/2 the power) and square the wave and we have issues... and I don't believe that the "AVERAGE" current that the woofer sees is drastically different.. but the time at" rest" not disipating heat has increased 10x...
  3. rameleg

    Extremely Disappointed

    I have to side with Nick on this one... it is not so much that there is additional current..but there is additional heat build up due to a stationary coil for a longer period of time... coil coiling is done typically through the motion of the coil and the air flow as the result.. when the coil is at rest it has little to no heat disipation properties... heat wicking from the steel is about it... and that will not cool a coil that is seieing 200v @ 20a... We also use a Crown amp to torture test our prototypes or "test mules".. I would venture to guess we see a 50-75% higher failure rate if I flip the square wave switch... even when the clamped power doesnt change.. Ryan
  4. I've been trying to get in touch with Scott because myself and my partner Josh will be out in Vegas for CES and we would like to view your facility and talk about some possibilities with him. If at all possible could you please forward my info along to Scott, or PM me a better way to contact him I would greatly appreciate it Ryan Meleg 330-606-0474 Boulder Acoustics email [email protected] (our server is down so please use this personal address)