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Everything posted by Dangrebel

  1. Dangrebel

    Measuring port length?

    Thank yall
  2. Dangrebel

    Measuring port length?

    As many boxes as I built, my mind went blank today. I am trying to build a 30in long port with 1 bend. Do I measure in the center of the corner or along the inside port walls? Someone help a mind blank guy out?!
  3. Dangrebel

    Sub choice help

    Yea I have more than enough electrical for 2kw
  4. Dangrebel

    Sub choice help

    To support a 5k amp you need more than a 250a. You know this. Why would you, or anybody, buy a 5K amp and not plan on using it? Just to say oyu have it? I never mentioned not using it. Realistically if your playing music, the impedance in the circuit will be varying all the time, so you won't be drawing the max current 24/7. Between his alternator and his battery reserve, he should not have an issue with voltage drop hurting anything. Sure he'll likely experience some slight voltage drop, but that doesn't mean his batteries will go dead, he'll get stuck on the side of the road, or his ecu will fry. There is a misconception that I as pointing out. Battery reserve has NOTHING to do with voltage drop when the vehicle is on and when you are trying to prevent it from happening. The alternator(s) supply the +14V. Batteries, for a 14V system, rest at +12V. Once the current demand exceeds the output capabilities of the alternator voltage will drop. Period, the end. No if and's or but's about it, 250a inst enough for a daily setup on a 5k amp (this does not even mention the vehicle's electrical demands or other amplifiers used in the system) And if it is than your 5K amp is.....wait for it.....overkill. Maybe for some people driving around at 12V is ok I experience voltage drop of about .4-.6 volts at full tilt. But could be wire resistance?
  5. Dangrebel

    New Crescendo PA Mids

    Cant wait to give them a try
  6. Dangrebel

    Sub choice help

    I will soon be running 5k for daily.
  7. Dangrebel

    Sub choice help

    I'd personally go for the Zcons or Xcons. The prices of the Zcon and Zv3 are similar, but the Zcon is rated higher and made in the USA. You should also look into getting a Crescendo amp. My understanding is that their made at the same factory as DC Amps. I can't find crescendo pricing any where. You have a link? I don't have a link but here ya go: Bc2000d $339 shipped Bc3500d $616 shipped Bc5500d $921 shipped
  8. Dangrebel

    Measuring port length?

    Ok the reason I ask is because if I measure from the center I don't have to put another bend in it but if I measure it from the inner port wall I have to make another bend
  9. Dangrebel

    lookyyyy what i bought today.....

    Oh I gotcha. Well have fun with it first!! I know I could put that thing to good use lol
  10. Dangrebel

    lookyyyy what i bought today.....

    True dat!!!!!!! Cone area is king!!! I smell high output home theater?!
  11. I'm looking for a nice 2 channel amp to power my new IA components. I was browsing and found a soundstream rubicon 2 channel that Puts out 130x2 at 4 ohms and 225x2 at 2 ohms. What do you guys think? Are they decent amps? I found one for like 135. Any insight would help.
  12. I've heard good things about the mbquart onyx 125.4, any body run one of those?
  13. How cold was it outside? Mine will charge in the 15's at about 30 degrees and my voltage set point is 14.2
  14. About $160 tops and looking at 125x2 at 4 ohms or a decent 4 channel with the same rating.
  15. True!!! I hope no cops are around. They would be in for a show lol! I know Southaven and olive branch cops are D!€|<S.
  16. Dang all this time and I never knew your name!! Well josh my name is Clint. If randal comes up Saturday we could hang out a good bit or after the comp. jeez I think I'll just wait on the man himself haha
  17. Sweet!!!! I can't wait. Dad said if my mom comes with me then I can go. So imma gonna ask tommorow.
  18. Get 2 crescendo bc2000's or 1 bc3500 the 2 2000's is like 670 and a 3500 is 620 and you can get a .5 ohm warranty.
  19. Dangrebel

    Box Q for Icon

    What are the specs of the old box?
  20. Ia comps are mine!!!!!!!!!
  21. Dangrebel

    "Breaking In" of Subs.

    That's true. It was playing fine until the spider pulled away from the joint on 1 side. I could see the coil come about 2 mm out of the gap at full excursion!!
  22. Dangrebel

    "Breaking In" of Subs.

    Haha which reminds me, I put 1000 watts to a 100 rms 8 and went way below tuning(22hz with a 36hz tuning and no ssf) the coil stuck on the top plate ha I laughed hard.
  23. Dangrebel

    "Breaking In" of Subs.

    Usually happens above the rms of the sub though. Where people run double the rms on a brand new sub is where a failure like that would happen I think.