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Everything posted by Dangrebel

  1. Yo guyz I have a budget of about 200$ I need a good head unit with high and low pass crossovers for running active. Ive been checking out the ken wood kdc-x996. It's just a hair out of my budget but seems nice. Any other good units like this?
  2. ThAnks I thought so too! Man it made a huge difference in my depth and staging!
  3. I went with an 80prs if anyone wants to know lol
  4. Dangrebel

    ZCON Carbon Fiber Option | Now Available

    I want 2 caps right now!!!! Hurry and work out the details!
  5. Dangrebel

    Doctor time.. Lymph Node Swollen.

    I've had an abscess and I thought it was my lymph node. It swole up big lol. Hope it's nothing serious!
  6. Ok well you can always run like a rebadged battery like a diehard platinum or dura last platinum. They are cheap and good.
  7. Dangrebel

    surround repair...classic screwdriver slip

    Definitely amazing goop
  8. Dangrebel

    Backup Camera

    Same here! I drive a long bed truck and do fine with a wall. always slowly back up in parking lots though. Almost ran a lady over because she stopped behind my truck with my reverse lights on and was texting lol
  9. Dangrebel

    What was the first "system" you had in your car?

    4 jl audio 12's on a 300 watt amp
  10. Dangrebel

    12" Xcon

    1750 wattttttttttttsssss
  11. Dangrebel

    Sundown E-15 D4 used $75

    Sold! To me!
  12. Dangrebel

    Received Q18, terrible packaging

    Recieved an incriminator death penalty with that much and I still had about 4 big chips on the magnets.
  13. Dangrebel

    10" Icon in action

    Awesome. Looks loud in that cab! What amp is it on?
  14. Dangrebel

    I miss Sound Splinter

    I believe the lms-r is a big brother of the rlp. I've heard they get stupid low
  15. Dangrebel

    I miss Sound Splinter

    I want a few RL-P 18's for my house. That'd be nice.
  16. Dangrebel

    Sound question for mr m5

    I reflect off my windshield for a greater stage depth. It works for me...
  17. Dangrebel

    Audio technix deadener.....

    I'm sorry, but they are the worst tool for measuring. This is exactly what I am talking about in the previous posts. You see it acting differently and pick arbitrary numbers out of the air , insert, and bam. See what I'm getting at? Isn't that how you measure all the time. You measure with your eyes when you need to stop your car so you don't wreck. How far to step so you don't fall down the stairs. What size a bolt is so you can get the right size wrench. I don't carry a fucking ruler in my back pocket nor do I care too. See what I'm getting at? I noticed a very audible difference as well. At full tilt my truck is quiet as shit on the outside with the windows up. The problem is your eye is not sensitive enough to he used as a measuring device for panel movement. It's akin to stating you could measure a driver's excursion by eye. Audible differences are a given, but you are already perceiving a change so you brain has already signaled there will be a change whether there is or not. I cannot measure exact sizes with my eye but, I can tell you what's its close to. I can tell how much my subs move. Just watch the letters. Same goes for my spotted up roof lol. Everyone that's got in it after the deadener has been impressed too. It does a good job for what I paid for it. Was I willing to spend 3x as much on sds? No I was going the cheaper route and it worked.
  18. Dangrebel

    Audio technix deadener.....

    I'm sorry, but they are the worst tool for measuring. This is exactly what I am talking about in the previous posts. You see it acting differently and pick arbitrary numbers out of the air , insert, and bam. See what I'm getting at? Isn't that how you measure all the time. You measure with your eyes when you need to stop your car so you don't wreck. How far to step so you don't fall down the stairs. What size a bolt is so you can get the right size wrench. I don't carry a fucking ruler in my back pocket nor do I care too. See what I'm getting at? I noticed a very audible difference as well. At full tilt my truck is quiet as shit on the outside with the windows up.
  19. Dangrebel

    Audio technix deadener.....

  20. Dangrebel

    Audio technix deadener.....

    I've used the 80 mil b stock. It worked fucking wonders. My roof rattled so bad. It actually was louder than the bass. Now after about 60 percent coverage on the roof, it has not rattled one bit. The roof on my trucks moves like a couple millimeters versus the inch and half like it used too.
  21. Dangrebel

    Battery or Alternator?

    Either running hids so they don't dim or, running a good batt in the back helps tremendously.
  22. Ok. I've encountered the same whine on my small case gm alt. second. The alts will be on all times. The only time one of your alts will be off is when the other one is outputting a higher voltage. it will only excite the other alt when voltage drops lower than the output voltage of the turned off alt. I daily drive with a dual alt set up. When my 2nd alt comes on, it whines. My primary is a 270 amp mechman. The small case is my secondary which is off until I demo or pull a heavy load on the 270
  23. Dangrebel

    BC 1100.4 PROBLEM FED UP

    And that's why crescendo is the shit lol!
  24. Dangrebel

    Death Penalty 18s

    Why did you go with a 1500rms driver and now complaining about the power handling?