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Everything posted by J@SouthSlap

  1. J@SouthSlap

    James' 1990 Honda Accord Build - SouthSlap

    No cutting for me. I plan on running the meter here and there. Plus this is getting an engine swap, etc once I finish the stereo so I need all the body strength I can get
  2. J@SouthSlap

    James' 1990 Honda Accord Build - SouthSlap

    The build before my Tahoe was a Hyundai Tiburon with 2 10s subs back, port back and I did a 143.9 on 1k power. The trunk in the Accord is HUGE honestly, but getting the box in once it's build would be nearly impossible. I CAN fit all the subs facing up now that I've measured but I would have to do Aero ports at the bottom of the box facing the trunk. I'd like to design a box that I can build outside of the car..
  3. J@SouthSlap

    James' 1990 Honda Accord Build - SouthSlap

    I'd really like to do subs up port back, but I'm limited on space so I was thinking 2 forward, 2 up, Aero's facing back would be the loudest while still having enough space.
  4. J@SouthSlap

    James' 1990 Honda Accord Build - SouthSlap

    Yeah the back seats fold down. And I'll be there Sefugi!
  5. J@SouthSlap

    James' 1990 Honda Accord Build - SouthSlap

    Everything has been ordered as of now.. Hopefully shipping won't keep me waiting too long. Anyone have any ideas on a box setup? I'll probably have to build the box inside the car
  6. J@SouthSlap

    Chevy Cavalier 04 Audio System Build Log

    Good build you have going here. How many square feet of deadener did you order to make $800??
  7. J@SouthSlap

    Vehicle - Equipment - dB results

    My old ride... Vehicle: 2008 Hyundai Tiburon Equipment: JBL1201.1, 2 Kicker CVX 10s, Kenwood comps and 6x9s, stock electrical. Nothing was tuned at all... threw in the night before a local show. Meter placement: Passenger kick, driver door open. Music: not metered Tones: 143.9db, can't remember what hz. Bassahaulic was who placed the meter in the car, he may know what tone I was on..
  8. J@SouthSlap

    Now Playing!

    Lead You On - Machine Gun Kelly
  9. J@SouthSlap

    The amazingly EPIC yet slightly tragic judicial system.

    Drew man, that sucks to hear! I'm guessing right near the railroad tracks in Denham?? I got stopped there as well, but it was from bumping. Right as I got to the Walmart, just told me to be careful through the antique part of town. Then said have a good night. Then last week I got a ticket in the Tahoe!! 41 in a 25 and I had JUST pulled out of my neighborhood. I was pissed to say the least. Hopefully he'll drop it, I didn't even have my plates on my hoe yet and he knew I had just pulled into traffic. Friend of mine did get a ticket while the police in my town were trying to meet quota, 2% tint, black headlights and taillights, and no cats on his truck... Around $500 I think? He sold the truck the next week and when he went to court they dropped the ticket because he proved he sold it.