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Everything posted by MalibuOn22s

  1. MalibuOn22s

    Unhappy Christmas

    sorry to hear that bro glad you are ok new years will be better!
  2. MalibuOn22s

    2009 Malibu Opinion

    ok just found out... I can either wall my car off and get 2-18s or wall it with 6 12s OR stay low key and put 4 12s in the trunk subs up port back?
  3. MalibuOn22s

    2009 Malibu Opinion

    i agree with you on that.....I'm done with the 18" idea. I'm kind of skeptical about 4 12's though. They ask optimal 1.5 cube each ported. I could easily give them that? Wouldn't that be my perfect scenario? I would stay right at two bro...... pick up another 2k and ROCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might just do that EDIT:Opinions on the AQ HDC312 ? 12" 1,000 rms beast Just bought a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665 off Jay-cee to run my crescendo components and my sundown 2000d is on the way from heckvr4 Such a good christmas lol
  4. MalibuOn22s

    Merry Christmas

    merry christmas !! Just bought a SA200d yesterday for a christmas present to myself
  5. MalibuOn22s

    2009 Malibu Opinion

    i agree with you on that.....I'm done with the 18" idea. I'm kind of skeptical about 4 12's though. They ask optimal 1.5 cube each ported. I could easily give them that? Wouldn't that be my perfect scenario? I would stay right at two bro...... pick up another 2k and ROCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might just do that EDIT:Opinions on the AQ HDC312 ? 12" 1,000 rms beast
  6. MalibuOn22s

    2009 Malibu Opinion

    i agree with you on that.....I'm done with the 18" idea. I'm kind of skeptical about 4 12's though. They ask optimal 1.5 cube each ported. I could easily give them that? Wouldn't that be my perfect scenario?
  7. MalibuOn22s

    2009 Malibu Opinion

    Well I just bought my first sundown 2000d today and it will probably come in next week. I was hoping to smack one of those on each sub....or maybe just give 1 amp to each pair if I did 4? Because I know those things will push them at around 1200+each and they ask for 1500
  8. MalibuOn22s

    2009 Malibu Opinion

    ohhh and after thinking about it because they are smaller I could probably get 4 BTL 12s in there because they only ask 1.75-2.5 per sub? Yea i would have to buy another few SA 2000ds but I think the surface area on 4 12s and the fact that It's just more in general that it would beat. I can probably pull off over 2 cubes per sub after its all said and done? EDIT: Just also looked into some DC Level 4 XL 12s and they ask 1.5 ported optimal.....IMO that would beast but maybe some one can share there opinion with me on 4 12s
  9. MalibuOn22s

    2009 Malibu Opinion

    thanks for the advice did yours just not sound good? I could probably get a 8 cube box in after it's all said and done. You still don't think it would sound well? I mean 8 foot is optimal for the 18 and 5-6 foot would be optimal for the 15 and I honestly could do both?
  10. MalibuOn22s

    2009 Malibu Opinion

    no bro I'm not questioning you I'm just the type of person to think that there HAS to be a way lol
  11. MalibuOn22s

    2009 Malibu Opinion

    and the thing is, if I step down to 1-15 then I would probably try and make 2 15s fit ........
  12. MalibuOn22s

    18" BTL N2

    didn't place my order bought a sundown 2000 instead mods please close this
  13. MalibuOn22s

    18" BTL N2

    Placing my order this friday I'm sikeddddddddddddddddddddddd
  14. MalibuOn22s

    1-18" BTL N2 + AP3001-D *2009 Malibu*

  15. MalibuOn22s

    1-18" BTL N2 + AP3001-D *2009 Malibu*

    thanks for the buy update your sig ! You can swap out the Audiopipe3001D with a Sundown 2000d
  16. MalibuOn22s

    BtL N2 Motor Thoughts

    O hell yea thanks man! 18" please
  17. MalibuOn22s

    1-18" BTL N2 + AP3001-D *2009 Malibu*

    Didn't mean it that way, he sounded excited about what he found, so I'm hoping all goes smooth, just saying the last thing he would like to see is the sell to fall through or go somebody else that offers the seller more money. I wasn't doubting the seller @ all. yea i agree. I have noticed nothing but great sellers so far from other peoples sales Just looking out for myself and hoping it goes smooth !
  18. MalibuOn22s

    1-18" BTL N2 + AP3001-D *2009 Malibu*

    YES! You are correct. Hopefuly that guy isn't a shady seller. GL with the buy. thanks Does SSA watch over sales at all?
  19. MalibuOn22s

    1-18" BTL N2 + AP3001-D *2009 Malibu*

    Ok so I found a member on here who is selling a sundown 2000d.......he is asking 375 shipped but I only have 350 atm ....hopefully he sells me it The sundown 2000d would be a cleaner 2000 watts than the audiopipe right? The AP is tested at 16v getting the 3,000 at 2 ohms. And this SD tests 2,000 at 1 ohm at 14.4v. SD 2000>AP3000 right? EDIT:Ok thanks for the advice jaycee !!!
  20. MalibuOn22s

    1-18" BTL N2 + AP3001-D *2009 Malibu*

    they have nothing left and I think i'm going to stick with audiopipe for now. I'm always one to give companies a chance. I have heard a lot of really good talk about them and seen some solid reviews! With my budget in mind I think they are a good buy They get a lil warm. Just my .02 You should try AQ instead, or something similar to them. thanks for the advice....I looked into the AQ 3500 and it is just a little more expensive than I'd like. I would love to find a used sundown for around 400-500 but I haven't found 1 yet
  21. MalibuOn22s

    1-18" BTL N2 + AP3001-D *2009 Malibu*

    You will see
  22. MalibuOn22s

    1-18" BTL N2 + AP3001-D *2009 Malibu*

    they have nothing left and I think i'm going to stick with audiopipe for now. I'm always one to give companies a chance. I have heard a lot of really good talk about them and seen some solid reviews! With my budget in mind I think they are a good buy
  23. MalibuOn22s

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    very interested. Are there any left?
  24. MalibuOn22s

    1-18" BTL N2 + AP3001-D *2009 Malibu*

    i looked around earlier for group buys with no luck.....could you link me?
  25. MalibuOn22s

    1-18" BTL N2 + AP3001-D *2009 Malibu*
