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Everything posted by MalibuOn22s

  1. MalibuOn22s

    Kevin S

    M5 is a troll
  2. MalibuOn22s

    jl w7 vs fi btl

  3. MalibuOn22s

    Kevin S

    he is saying that because people can say whatever nonsense in here making him look bad when the reader doesn't know the facts. If you people don't have enough common sense to understand that he is trying to help you, but bashing him and complaining the whole time while whining about not getting in touch with him will not make things any easier for anyone that is involved. And whoever is not directly involved and feels the need to share there own useless opinion.......no one cares! You don't know the full story or facts involving both parties so why even try to fake like your opinion means ANYTHING. This thread is full of fail, seeing Kevins name get drug through the mud because of people like you guys makes me want to
  4. MalibuOn22s

    Kevin S

    no1 is out of money and everyone is crying like these are the last amps on this planet.....grow some nuts and move on
  5. MalibuOn22s

    monte carlo ss wall build

    looks sick bro! Did you end up having a weight issue when it was all done like you said? PS I love the way you did your amps. I was thinking of doing mine the exact same way Any things to look for when setting it up that way?
  6. MalibuOn22s

    box help 2 18's SMD + stetsom 7k2d

    buddys wall of 4-15" comps does 149s You should be well above that. I would try walling it......or be badass and get a blowthrough
  7. HU and batts left...then its DEMO TIME!!!!

  8. MalibuOn22s

    Febuilduary :) Big Month!

    Kevin dropped me off some sex in a box Almost thereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  9. MalibuOn22s

    Febuilduary :) Big Month!

    Sub 8 12" Skar VVXs Mids and Highs 4 Selenium 8" W4Ps 4 Selenium St350 supertweets Amps 2-Sundown Saz-2500s 1-Sundown Sax-100.4 1-Sundown Sax-125.2 Power Big 3 4 Batts in the back and 1 under the hood Stinger Overkill everywhere!!!!
  10. MalibuOn22s

    Febuilduary :) Big Month!

    thanks guys all credit to JBLCAMRY and mp3pimp(robin)
  11. MalibuOn22s

    Sundown SA12 vs Skar 12

    Id pay the extra money for the sundown over the skars. Sundown has much better customer service and will care about their customers. Plus sundown is a proven company. The customer service from Skar is horrible. lol I deal with kevin all the time and he has been great perfect customer service
  12. MalibuOn22s

    Febuilduary :) Big Month!

    Box is made of birch so it is pretty light tbh.....even though its doubled everywhere. The batteries are gonna spice it up as well but it will work out I think, I have done a lot of testing with weight in the back. Plus my tires being so low pro, if it does lower it a tad I won't mind much it will more even the ride height out then anything
  13. MalibuOn22s

    Febuilduary :) Big Month!

    thx heck! its been a long time coming lol one of your amps is going to be part of the magic lol
  14. MalibuOn22s

    Febuilduary :) Big Month!

    Thanks to Robin of BassheadsENT and Dylan(JBLcamry) from FLSPL for all of the hard work. Took 4 days of staying up till 6 am Headliner and wall look amazing with the suede. Epicenter designs glassed my doors for 2 selenium 8s and in each door and 1 selenium st350 in each door. Will be wrapped with the same suede Picking them up on sunday at Kings of Bass show in seffner florida Thanks for tuning in let me know what you think. As far as tuning goes. 7.5 cubes sealed, 15.5 cubes ported, tuned at 50hz, and it has 248 sg in of port. This shit should quake soon
  15. MalibuOn22s

    2009 Malibu Build (2 B2 Audio CC 12")

    my wall is done
  16. MalibuOn22s

    Hello From New Port Richey, FL

    welcome, you should go to spring break nationals in daytona beach march 19-20
  17. MalibuOn22s

    It's dead!!!

    72 sq foot total http://img821.imageshack.us/g/17294310150098226119344.jpg/
  18. MalibuOn22s

    deepsilencer's 2008 malibu ltz

    hey bro can you PM me your number? I have some Qs for you if thats cool
  19. MalibuOn22s

    monte carlo ss wall build

    sweeet list! You will be happy I just heard one 15" BTL N2 in an aero port and it quaked.....
  20. MalibuOn22s

    skar 12's

    I am doing 8 on like 5,000 watts and they should handle it fine Kevin, the owner has 4 on one sundown 2500 and they sound great
  21. MalibuOn22s

    deepsilencer's 2008 malibu ltz

    my 270 was 399 shipped and my custom 320 was 599 shipped from mechman.com (i dont know if the prices went higher) especially for my custom one,i might send it in to get a regulator on it as well no vcm or mla for those cars, shiz is lame do you still have your 270?
  22. MalibuOn22s

    Febuilduary :) Big Month!

    just bought my EQ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000EZV3T8/ref=oss_product
  23. MalibuOn22s

    Febuilduary :) Big Month!

    looking good mang.. you doing 1 layer only? yea probably.....I got this ballastic stuff(different brand) thats supposed to be super thick so I am going to put another 40 sq foot down next saturday. I am picking it up after work monday and also picking up my sundown sax100.4 monday I just bought my last Saz2000 yesterday from viperchris on floridaspl forums and it comes in next week too Next paycheck is strictly wood 450 fkn dollars of it lol!
  24. MalibuOn22s

    deepsilencer's 2008 malibu ltz

    how much was your current ALT and the 270A one? Do you still have the 270A?
  25. MalibuOn22s

    deepsilencer's 2008 malibu ltz

    Looks nasty bro...love when I see fellow malibu owners