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Everything posted by burko

  1. burko

    Voltage Issues

    So I should go from the engine to the chassis? And about grounding to the fender.. Why would it still read correct voltage at the grounding point? Could this be causing my problem? And unfortunately I'm upstairs directly above my mom's bedroom and she gets PISSED if a mouse scurries across the floor much less me talking. I'll shoot ya a pm and we can talk tomorrow if you're available.
  2. burko

    Voltage Issues

    Which battery? When I was talking about the secondary battery I messed up and didn't actually film where it was grounded. But with the starting battery, it is grounded to the frame, and I have the engine block connected to the negative terminal on the battery as opposed to the chassis. And what do you mean cab to frame?
  3. I've narrowed my choice down to these choices. Mechman 270 DC Power 270 XP I was wondering if the extra 35-40 amps at idle is worth the extra $150. I'm only running one AQ2200D, and I don't have an endless pile of money. I'm almost certain what the responses will be, so I think I'm leaning towards the Mechman. Let me know!
  4. Staples is having a sale on laptops right now, I would look into something like this That is just one of the many they have available! You can view a whole list here. Good luck!
  5. burko

    Orphan 8's Need a Home!

    But what if it as a DVC?
  6. burko

    Orphan 8's Need a Home!

    Those look like great little subs. Somebody should wall off a van with about 30 of 'em I don't mean to thread jack, but how exactly do you know the wiring configurations for a 6 ohm SVC driver? I've only ever used the "the12volt.com" wiring diagram. Is there an equation to determine final ohm load?
  7. burko

    What's wrong with this website???

    I run GC and have no issues I also just installed AdBlock for Chrome and it works fine.
  8. burko

    Hello From Japan!

    That car is amazinggggggg
  9. burko

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    This looks awesome!
  10. There is a three week delay for alts from DC BTW. I am in the same situation and in need for a new alt. Most likely wait a week and call back and place my order. That sucks But I'm willing to wait.
  11. I believe I've made a decision. I finished the big 3 tonight, and one of the bolts on my original battery was too short, so we had to improvise and use a metal furniture foot thing that happened to have the same thread size (lol it looks so stupid). Due to this weird setup, the wire that goes to my D1200 from that battery is not making proper contact; I've got a volt meter connected to this secondary battery, and it's sitting at 12.7 with the truck running. So we will make a Home Depot run tomorrow to get a proper bolt. When we do this, I'll give it a test run and if my voltage is still dipping, I'm going to order the DC 270 XP. My reasoning is the fact that I might strap 2 AQ2200Ds in the future and get another BTL and wall off my truck ( ), so I would have to get an alt that could handle the extra load at that point anyway. I'll update tomorrow and tell you guys what the deal is.
  12. burko

    Hello From Japan!

    A friend of mine is in Korea. How is it over there?
  13. burko

    incriminator 6.5' components

    I'm sorry, but I think the irony in that sentence is fantastic... all in good fun. Stuff looks great man, I'm lookin into gettin some new components myself. May have missed it, but what are they being amplified by? Or are they being run off of HU power?
  14. burko

    Is hole spacing the same?

    I would throw them in and if the DCON's don't fit, fill'em.
  15. burko

    Reasons for price change?

    OP ... lmao... nice try though... unless they're that nice now... (don't think so) haha I know, I was just kidding. I hate the inability to decipher sarcasm through text... i guess my forum-casm isn't working either... lol WE SHOULD WRITE SENTENCES LIKE THIS IF WE'RE BEING SARCASTIC
  16. burko

    Reasons for price change?

    OP ... lmao... nice try though... unless they're that nice now... (don't think so) haha I know, I was just kidding. I hate the inability to decipher sarcasm through text...
  17. That port is hucking fuge!!!!!!
  18. burko

    Reasons for price change?

    I'll take a 270XP for $499.99 right now
  19. burko

    Requesting tracking number.

    This guy gets his alt tomorrow!
  20. burko

    aq3500d1 amp trouble

    X199875267422899711298423. We. Can't. Understand. You.
  21. Thanks for the replies fellas, I think I just may go with the 270 XP. I'll sleep on it and see how I feel tomorrow... If I do end up getting another vehicle and strapping 2 AQ2200s, it would be the same engine, so I wouldn't have to get it re-cased or anything like that. We'll see...