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Everything posted by burko

  1. burko

    Addictive Audio?

    Thinking about purchasing a used 10.4 and I don't really know a whole lot about the company. Rated power is 115 x 4 @ 4 ohms Any info is greatly appreciated.
  2. burko

    Addictive Audio?

    Specs Check out that link for some specs. The model is 10.4AB. I'll try to do an in-depth review as soon as it comes in, maybe even a video
  3. burko

    Addictive Audio?

    Good deal. Ordered a 10.4, I'll be sure to post up pics and a review for you guys. Be lookin out for it in the next couple of weeks.
  4. burko

    !!!!!A video build log - 4 Death Penalty 18's

    This is gonna be cool man. Where do you live?
  5. burko

    Weird Noise

    Well, my box was jumping around pretty bad, so I strapped it down to my false floor a little better. While this solved the bouncing issue, it didn't solve the noise. When messing around with it, I noticed that when I pushed on the top-half of the front of the box, elevating it from the false floor, the noise quit (or at least sounded like it, my whole body was shaking). This led me to believe that the noise was coming from the box bouncing on the false floor, but unfortunately, this wasn't the case. I think what I'll do next is play like a 25-30Hz tone at a fairly low volume, just enough to move some air, and hold a piece of paper around all edges of the box to see if there are any leaks. Sound like a good idea?
  6. burko

    Weird Noise

    I got done (for now) sound deadening my truck today, and when testing, I noticed there was still a bit of a rattle coming from some unknown location. I put my hand on a bunch of metal panels, sat on the box, nothing. Finally, I decided I would wait till daylight to really diagnose the problem. Later, I put a shirt over the port to see how much air was moving... The sound stopped. I removed the shirt, it started again. Did it a couple more times and the same thing happened... Am I missing something, or do I just need to dress up ( ) my box for it to want to work properly? I'm stumped.
  7. burko

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    lol. thats a long tow ride home if i break something...and i usually do. you have to come.. its a 2x event... and ill be there,. AND thats the weekend i will be celebrating my birthday im geting old G! I live in the same city as him... But this definitely sounds cool, tuned in to this one for sure. Good luck!
  8. burko

    Weird Noise

    Yes, fairly new. I built it, and I used a pretty deliberate amount of RTV in all corners. What would be the best way to check for leaks? Just look at it, play a tone and listen for it, or...
  9. burko

    Weird Noise

    D: You guys have me scared! I'll check for air leaks, then the wiring, then... I don't know. Although, I'm starting to think it may just be the song. I haven't really noticed it on any other song/note.
  10. burko

    Weird Noise

    I wouldn't say the noise is a "chuff," it's a very metallic, mechanical sound. Does it go away if you raise the subsonic filter setting? I haven't tried. I don't believe the woofer is bottoming out, it's not a very low note where this happens.
  11. burko

    Weird Noise

    I wouldn't say the noise is a "chuff," it's a very metallic, mechanical sound.
  12. burko

    Wheres my Sub???

    If memory serves me correctly, they're switching to an American metal supplier. You'll get your sub soon enough. Believe me, it's worth it. And lol @ you putting your address in the "location" section...
  13. burko

    Best Bass Scare Songs

    I know everyone has their plethora of rap songs with heavy bass, but does anyone know of any good songs with heavy bass in another genre? A few I know are Decaf- White Clouds, as well as the Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight bass remix. Just wondering if anybody has some songs they knew of with some very unexpected bass. It's fun to scare the shit out of people with a bass line they didn't know was coming!
  14. How's it going guys, I'm looking into a little upgrade on my door speakers and I really need some help. Currently, I run Orion XTRs off of head unit power (herp derp). Obviously they don't get loud as they are not amplified, but I have a feeling that if amplified, they will sound like complete shit when cranked. I'd like to run something a bit more capable, but I just don't quite understand how it all works. Here's what I'm considering going with: 4 Selenium 6W4Ps 4 Crescendo SuperTweets First question: Will this be enough speakers to cover all frequencies produced in music? I've got my BTL covering the lower end, but am I missing a section of frequencies that would be lost without another speaker type? Second question: I'm an absolute noob when it comes to class A/B amps. I have no experience with them, and my research might as well have been written in Chinese, so please, understand my noobness and try to help me out. How would that ^^ setup be wired if I were to get, say, a Sundown 100.4? I understand that it is a four channel amplifier, but how would the wiring be configured? Would I just plug two speakers into each channel and each of them would be seeing 50 watts a piece, or is it much more complicated than that? Also, how do you determine final ohm load to each speaker with an amplifier with that many channels? I've just now truly grasped the concept of a monoblock amp, and I'm really having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I really hope you can understand what I'm trying to ask, I must say that I've back-spaced so many times that I've started to confuse myself. If anybody has any links or wishes to explain this whole concept, I would really appreciate it.
  15. burko

    Box build?

    Bad idea, the RE calculator's tuning frequency is incorrect, unless they've fixed it by now. I would suggest using the Torres' Box Tuning Calculator.
  16. burko

    the car audio experts at best buy

    Nuff said.
  17. I see, appreciate it! Herp derp, that's a fail on my part. Should've thought of that! Appreciate all the info!
  18. burko

    From 1 18 to 2 18's

    I'm doing the same thing with my extended cab! May I ask how you plan to secure your box? I'm thinking of making a frame out of 2x4s, bolting those to the body, and securing my box to that frame.
  19. burko

    little vid of the level 5 18

    well the box has 90 angled steel with about 15 screws through a platform under it that has 4x4s for legs and it is held down with the seat bolts in the back, i slammed on the brakes today cause of some jackass and it didnt budge. the weight itself keeps it back there too. all the weight is low, amps are about 8in off the floor, magnet is about 10in off the floor, battery is on the platform 4in from the floor, etc. Is the platform made out of 2x4s? half a sheet of .75in MDF. 4 4x4 feet on each side and a 2x4 across the middle so it touches the arch that goes down the center line of my console. I have stood on it multiple times, and i weight 275lbs and it doesnt flex. Hmm, interesting. If you do a build log be sure to post plenty of pics so I can be on the same page!
  20. Not sure I'm understanding your question correctly. But on most 4-channel amps there are two sets of inputs; one input for channels 1&2 and one input for channels 3&4. This allows you the option to send different signals to the two pairs of channels. You caught me right before I could ninja edit. I figured that one out as well. Why would someone want to send different signals to the other channels? Can somebody tell me a circumstance that this would be relevant? And finally, if you want to run the same signal to all 4 channels, do you have to run two separate RCAs to each input? Seems lika just another unnecessary wire... And guys, I pretty much have a general idea of what all of the answers to my questions will be, I'm just clarifying No bashing please...
  21. burko

    little vid of the level 5 18

    well the box has 90 angled steel with about 15 screws through a platform under it that has 4x4s for legs and it is held down with the seat bolts in the back, i slammed on the brakes today cause of some jackass and it didnt budge. the weight itself keeps it back there too. all the weight is low, amps are about 8in off the floor, magnet is about 10in off the floor, battery is on the platform 4in from the floor, etc. Is the platform made out of 2x4s?
  22. burko

    little vid of the level 5 18

    Excellent, man! If you don't mind me asking, how do you have your box secured? I made a plywood "platform" and secured it using the bolts that were already there for the back seat. I'm looking to do another build and I need a better idea for all that extra weight! Nice setup!
  23. burko

    158.1 on music Team Sundown Russia
