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Everything posted by burko

  1. I hear they're gonna be making their own subwoofers too!! Thanks everybody. I ended up going with ring terminals from here, fuses from here, and fuse holders from here. Think I should be alright?
  2. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    How does this look? Should I stay away? Fuse
  3. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    Double post ftl
  4. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    Thanks man! I am very lucky to have a family like mine, and I really appreciate everything that they do for me. I can't stand it when I see a 16 year old driving a $40,000 brand new Mustang that mommy bought for them, when they're completely unaware of how lucky they are..
  5. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    Oops, you ninja posted on me I'm assuming you mean after the front battery (on its way to the second battery), before the back battery(coming from the front battery), and after the back battery(going to the amp)?
  6. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    Would something like this be what I need to get? If not, could anyone provide a link to the correct isolator for my application (if it's necessary)?
  7. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    Ok. Is it necessary, or is it precautionary?
  8. You're already above the recommended size for using the 15" XCON in a sealed enclosure. Why would you want a larger cubic foot measurement?
  9. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    For now, no.. I'm taking it one step at a time... This is my first vehicle (that I've kept), first box build, first everything. I've taken in a shitload of information in the last few months, and I'm not sure if my brain can keep up with learning about components. There's still so much to learn about subwoofers, amplifiers, and enclosures, that I feel I need to master them before I add another learning process into the mix. School gets out at the end of this month. Should have everything hooked up here in the next few days, videos will be up as soon as I do get around to wiring everything. My question to you guys: Do I need an isolator between the front and back batteries? I went to a car audio shop to get fuses and terminals (they turned out to be out of stock ), and the guy working in there was throwing a bunch of information at me that seemed completely irrelevant. He mentioned that w/o an isolator, the front and back batteries would kill each other due to them being different sizes (along with a bunch of other BS)... Is this true? I trust you guys more than I do the shop dude.. I walked out of that store with nothing because I figured I'd ask the fellas on here before I bought something I didn't need.
  10. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    Dropped the truck off at a local car shop. I'm getting a new 2-way alarm put on w/ remote start. Also brand new Orion components all the way around (2 in front doors, 2 in back, and tweeters mounted somewhere). Pics later today when I pick it up. Anybody have any experience with these components? The guy had them in his car and they sounded nice, so I went for it.
  11. burko

    Firefox and Opera

    Google Chrome is where it's at
  12. burko

    Xbox Live Screen Names

    mC CROWNandCOKE MW2 sniping all day!! Ladder stall 720 reload cancel no scope silent shot (meh) you name it. I marathon snipe
  13. Thanks for the input guys. Just bought one. Maybe it'll come in some time this week!!
  14. That's the one, appreciate it man. Do you or does anyone else have any experience with these meters? Are they any good?
  15. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    That makes sense man, I appreciate it!
  16. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    45d all corners.. Forgot about that. How much space would that take up do you think? Here is where I have the 45s.. My guess is that tuning will increase, but I'm not sure how much..
  17. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    This *should* be the correct screenshot of the box specs. I double-checked it this time, but if you see something I missed, please inform me so I can fix it
  18. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    If you add the sub displacement you had before the freq. of tuning will be a little higher. Balls I keep forgetting to do stuff lol! I'll have the updated screenshot when I get home today thanks for the heads up AGAIN Sefugi!
  19. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    Here is the new screenshot. I'm even happier with this frequency. Thanks for the heads up on the port walls Sefugi!!
  20. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    What exactly is the # of common port walls? Why is mine 3? I'm on my phone and I can't pull up the calculator.. Much easier for you to look at the pics provided in the help section of the program than for me to expalain. Will do thanks man.
  21. burko

    1998 Chevrolet Silverado Z71

    What exactly is the # of common port walls? Why is mine 3? I'm on my phone and I can't pull up the calculator..
  22. I'm right up the road in Huntsville. Hopefully I can get my system done by then! Ill be there whether it's done or not Is there a way to enter or is it just to show off vehicles they have?
  23. burko

    BTL N2 18

    3/4" MDF is fine for the N2. If you don't have it yet, download this and play around with some of the dimensions. DO NOT use the RE calculator found here, as it tunes way too low. Good luck!
  24. burko

    Sealed Fi Qs?

    Qs perform excellently in sealed boxes. As long as you have the box built to the correct specifications, which can be found here, you should be good to go.