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About TylerBabbitt

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    Worcester, MA
  1. TylerBabbitt

    Cheapest amp that will power a 15" BL nicely?

    X2, a aq 1200 d would be perfect for a bl Only $250? I see videos on youtube and everyone has these.. I think I just found my amp..
  2. TylerBabbitt

    Fi BL 15" with large custom ported box?

    Not saying kickers are bad or anything, it's only when you think you got the best system around haha
  3. TylerBabbitt

    Fi BL 15" with large custom ported box?

    Okay thanks. I actually do have respect for people when they're sleeping and I probably will keep it at a mininmum while driving through neighborhoods, this was just to shut up everyone that has like 2 12" kickers with 500 w rms and think they're the best subs around
  4. TylerBabbitt

    Cheapest amp that will power a 15" BL nicely?

    What if I got the 1200.1? Would I need a new battery?
  5. TylerBabbitt

    Cheapest amp that will power a 15" BL nicely?

    No more than $200, but obviously, the cheaper the better. And i really appreciate your help
  6. TylerBabbitt

    Cheapest amp that will power a 15" BL nicely?

    I'm really on a budget, so what's the cheapest I could spend to sufficiently power everything?
  7. TylerBabbitt

    Cheapest amp that will power a 15" BL nicely?

    What should I do to gain more power? Sorry, I'm new to this stuff and I'm getting my whole set up real soon.
  8. TylerBabbitt

    Cheapest amp that will power a 15" BL nicely?

    I was going to do the big 3.
  9. TylerBabbitt

    Cheapest amp that will power a 15" BL nicely?

    You think it's worth it? What would be better the 1700.1 or 1200.1? Because I know that BL's can handle more than reccomended RMS with the right setup/enclosure.
  10. Any ideas? I was looking at a couple hifonics bxi's but i heard they were just power hungry and not too good.
  11. TylerBabbitt

    Fi BL 15" with large custom ported box?

    Thanks Duran. And a lot of people in my school have shittty subs and think they're the best, so that's why i'm asking this. I just want to prove em wrong
  12. TylerBabbitt

    Fi BL 15" with large custom ported box?

    Who said I was gonna use it when people are sleeping? I never said anything about being obnoxious with it. One of the people up there said all bass frequencies travel, so are yousaying you never use your sub? It's for normal use, I just wanted to know if when I decide to turn it up after leaving school people will hear me..
  13. TylerBabbitt

    Fi BL 15" with large custom ported box?

    I've never heard an Fi in person before, so I had no clue. I hear some systems and they just sound like shit and they're not loud from far away at all.
  14. TylerBabbitt

    Fi BL 15" with large custom ported box?

    lol it was a serious question And I was just wondering, I'm new too subs and I think it sounds sick when I hear people comin from a long ways away
  15. TylerBabbitt

    Fi BL 15" with large custom ported box?

    lol it was a serious question