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Everything posted by rkrajnov

  1. Alright, so months ago I blew my subwoofer. It was still under Fi's one year warranty though so finally, on December 2nd, I sent it in for warranty repairs (with all proper contact information and everything filled out). I contacted Fi shortly after this inquiring how long it might take for them to get the subwoofer back to me. However, this question was not even answered and I simply received back something along the lines of them saying they were very busy and had not even had a chance to look at warranty items (which was understandable considering my sub should have just arrived there maybe a few days before this and since it was right before Christmas). Now here's where my frustration begins. Since then, I have e-mailed them twice again to find out the status of my subwoofer, once shortly after Christmas and once maybe 5 days ago. I have heard no response to either e-mail and no contact has been made about my subwoofer. I sent it in a month and a half ago now and I figure the least they could do is call me and let me know what's going on and about how long it will be till I see it again. I was trying to be patient, but I think at this point I have the right to be somewhat frustrated. I love the subwoofer, but I am not too pleased with their customer service quality. Not really sure what I should do since they don't have an evident phone number to call and contact them. Anyone else have a situation like this with Fi?
  2. rkrajnov

    I am beginning to get frustrated with Fi

    Alright fair enough. I'm not trying to sound like an ass or anything, I just wasn't sure what was going on with my sub since I had never been contacted or anything. I will send that e-mail out now though.
  3. I want it to be on the bigger side so it has better output. Anyone got a layout?
  4. so you'd recommend going 1.2 cu. ft. for sealed? bump
  5. so you'd recommend going 1.2 cu. ft. for sealed?
  6. sorry I didn't see that. Thanks for pointing it out. Could I slightly (proportionally) make all the sizes a bit bigger to increase volume as I heard this will increase output of a sealed sub? Or do you think that is the ideal size for a sealed 12? Also I keep having people tell me that the Q should be ported. Obviously this is a preference but are the benefits really that much better for this sub ported or do you guys think sealed is a good choice for it? I'm aiming for SQ here which is why I chose to do sealed in the first place, plus I already ordered it high QTS.