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Everything posted by trod2902

  1. trod2902

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    New port in the works first? Or is this thing being flipped completely?
  2. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But unrelated to the bleeding I was talking about. The rest of the hands and fingers fine, tips, destroyed by strings. Actually gets worse when you build callouses with 9 or 10's and then switch to 13's on another guitar (thou of an inch smallest string). Then add some bend happy music, a bunch of beer and whatnot and your fingers get walloped. Funny as well since you don't really feel it happening. The next day if you try and play again though it really pucking hurts. Thanks to classical and electric guitar, me have no more feeling in fingertips
  3. trod2902

    Mounting external aero ports

    Haha sounds like a fun project man
  4. trod2902

    Mounting external aero ports

    Awesome, I'll give this a try. Thanks! Np man What subs are going in the box?
  5. trod2902

    Mounting external aero ports

    Do you think Titebond would suffice? Or is there some sort of special expansion that comes from GG? Definitely use GG, regular would glue does not expand like GG and i dont believe wood glue would even bond to pvc or electrical tape Btw i did this for a box for 1 12
  6. trod2902

    Mounting external aero ports

    Maybe try using electrical tape to wrap the pipe until it is snug with the hole, then coat with gorilla glue and stick it in The glue expands to fill voids, worked for me on internal PVC pipes
  7. trod2902

    broken fi bl i need HELP!

    Visuals help people understand a concept, especially if it's something people try to shrug off. Visuals are awesome no doubt, just messin with ya
  8. trod2902

    broken fi bl i need HELP!

    You and your graphs
  9. trod2902

    broken fi bl i need HELP!

    BTW you act like we are just saying this to defend Fi... Grow the fuck up an open your ears.
  10. trod2902

    broken fi bl i need HELP!

    Dont come cry here when they blow from overexcursion. Your filter was set to 25 hz, but box was tuned to 33 hz. The ssf needs to be set higher, your woofer reached its mechanical limits while you were probably listening to Put On, and poof tinsel lead snapped because you lost all compliance on the low note(26hz). You want to set it around 3 hz below port tuning.
  11. trod2902

    broken fi bl i need HELP!

    your out of line... and i dont need to see ur set up in person.... I ALREADY FOUND YOUR PROBLEM... you admited it your self!!!! your sub sonic is off.. that means that there is no cut off for the tuning, your amp is telling your sub to play notes YOUR BOX is not not set up for.... its as simple as that.. i personaly ran 1500 watts daily for 2 years on a Fi BL ........... then i sold them to some one else who played them for a year... then he sold them to some one else. .... you wrecked your sub... if you had a brand new nissan .. and you drove it into a power pole.. would nissans warranty cover the repairs? no. you drove this sub into a power line. ditch the amp.. pick one up that has a sub sonic filter. and tune it correctly.... oh and one more thing.. your acting like a child.. there are causes and effects... LEARNING from the FAILS in life makes you a BETTER person IF you pay attention. ..... of you can ignore them and blame every one else and experience the same results you are now. this is you right now ~~~> LMAO, nailed it bigjon
  12. trod2902

    broken fi bl i need HELP!

    lmao it is ur fault, it unloaded and ripped the tinsel lead off Playing under tuning frequency without a ssf = blown woofer, simple. Did you not read the other posts?
  13. trod2902


    Any metalheads in here been listening to the new LoG album? Its a perfect album, that is all
  14. trod2902

    broken fi bl i need HELP!

    Also, does that amp have a subsonic filter?
  15. trod2902

    broken fi bl i need HELP!

    Looks like a classic unloading problem What are the specs on your box (volume, tuning)?
  16. trod2902


    Try them again, they might have missed your email with the amount they get.
  17. trod2902

    ATTN!! :: Julian!

    Blazin' trails and bustin' welds!
  18. trod2902

    ATTN!! :: Julian!

    V8 camaro still wins
  19. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Dude it looked exactly like an old highschool yearbook photo, cool shit man
  20. trod2902

    Which Fi driver to choose....

    i say go with the driver with more motor force and xmax, BTL Although i love my BL
  21. trod2902

    DIY Enclosures?

    very interested in price also What if i had a more complex design with angled cuts and such?
  22. trod2902

    looking to lose 55 lbs

    Awesome man, this way you can keep up the progress and see some tremendous results down the road!
  23. trod2902

    Single 15

    If you want a new sub for under 300, the Fi SSD is the way to go. Edit: My sig doesnt make me look biased, does it? lol