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Everything posted by trod2902

  1. lol well it was tuned alot lower = more port but it only sounded good on really slowed down music i just didnt want to build a new box with out any input is the box above have enough port? I should have specified that i meant port area
  2. Thats like puttin those subs in a sealed box then punching a hole in it lol Def needs more port
  3. trod2902

    Whats up!

  4. trod2902

    Pretty New Box (BTL 18")

    now how does it sound?
  5. trod2902

    Pretty New Box (BTL 18")

    very nice!
  6. trod2902

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Hey i think brett is sb5, not sure though.
  7. trod2902

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    going going.....gone! It's not getting bonkers bro, its past bonkers.I have set my set myself I hefty goal though....streetbeat 4 world record holder before the end of the season. Good luck man! Maybe one day that camaro can claim to have held an audio world record and drag record? hehe i dont doubt you can make it happen ill probably stick to one thing at a time. thats what i was implying when i said "one day" and used the past tense "have held" anywho, whats next after the dc 5ks?
  8. trod2902

    Q enclosure

    Are you unhappy and wish to swap subs before changing the enclosure?
  9. trod2902

    Sundown or zcon's.

    OP i see that your pretty set on the Zcons but need advice on the box, so i recommend starting a new thread for the box since this one has become a joke. You should get more help that way.
  10. trod2902

    Swift's 2 18in FI SP4s in 07 F250 HD

    very nice! great beer too
  11. trod2902

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    going going.....gone! It's not getting bonkers bro, its past bonkers.I have set my set myself I hefty goal though....streetbeat 4 world record holder before the end of the season. Good luck man! Maybe one day that camaro can claim to have held an audio world record and drag record? hehe i dont doubt you can make it happen
  12. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lol weeeak! My friends truck burped a 160 with 3 bad subs at 35 hz THAT is nuts. It crushes low too, one of the songs i heard (idk title) had skull cracking upper bass then a quick low note that almost made me puke lol
  13. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Was that a usaci show? i believe that would be a new world record in sb4 if so. yes it was usaci I didnt hear anyone say anything about a world record, maybe they didnt know? lol
  14. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    not sure why i hit quote to add "just thought id share" lmao
  15. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got to sit in Bretts truck (dont know his last name) with 4 DD 9515s on 16k yesterday at the MST show here in Baton Rouge, and man was that insane . I though my head was going to explode lol. It hit a 161.1 at 46 hz before that and 159.1 SB I never felt anything like it
  16. Since you used to play in a band and covered some legendary bands, I'm sure you have attended quite a few metal shows as well so you will know what I'm talking about...I've attended quite a few shows both outside and inside, and for me, my most memorable show is seeing Lamb of God headline a few years ago in a small arena. The sound was so LOUD and CLEAN, every bass drum kick and other low note percussions were felt in your chest and seats, the bass guitar shook the entire arena and the vibrations were felt in the floor/seats (you could "feel" that bass guitar string vibrating the arena), the guitars alike and sounded crisp and edgy. Nothing like I ever experienced at other shows, maybe the arena acoustics played a factor, who knows....(and yes seats, no more pits for me since my major motorcycle accident, I'm lucky to have both my legs and be able to walk today!). Since I have a family now, working full time as a network administrator and required to do OT every second or third weekend so my time nowadays is more precious and I can't attend as many shows as id like but I still make an effort to go see at least a couple of shows a year whenever possible (attending an outdoor two day metal festival this summer, can't wait!!). Essentially, I wanna feel like I'm at a show when playing my system in my car, brings back the memories and keeps me content with this " indescribable need/some kind of adrenaline or something" I have that seems to be fulfilled when attending metal shows. I'm sure you and many metal heads know exactly the feeling I'm describing... As it stands, I can turn up my system to the highest volume, it gets real loud to the point where you can't even speak with anyone in the cabin as you have to yell for anyone to even notice your talking...at that volume level (max level tuned), the sound is very clear that I want to keep turning it up louder (because it doesn't "feel" loud) so I can feel the instruments bass but the volume is at max! My system lacks the midbass/subbass to feel that thump in my chest and in my seat along with more sub bass to "feel" the bass guitar strings vibrating.... I hope I described as best as I can what I'm looking for! I'm really curious to hear what you have in mind for me... Lamb of God ftw!
  17. This I'm interested to hear. My thoughts exactly. Im a metalhead who has yet to upgrade my front stage so im tuned in for sure
  18. trod2902

    We need this guy to make us a SSA beat!!!

    Lmao a 4 year old can make a rap beat I use this^ line all the time when im hating on rap, and now here is the proof!! Im not hating on the kid, its still impressive and funny lol
  19. trod2902

    Enclosure efficiency

    I would almost double that port area for sure... I know with my single BL 12, 50 sq in works great and those BTL N2's displace even more air.
  20. trod2902

    Shirt trick with SSA 18" Zcons & BC5500's

    Looks like enough pressure to make ones head explode lol
  21. trod2902

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    NIce score man! shit must be loud in person haha
  22. trod2902

    No email response

    Hopefully nick will see this in the morning
  23. trod2902


    if you bought a cheap enclosure, its probably tuned pretty high and lacks enough port area. Thats just an assumption, but you can measure the box and the port to get the specs.
  24. trod2902

    Traded the zcon 15 away.. BUT look what i got.. ;)

    Lantz, i say you recone them yourself. It seems to me that your gonna keep this hobby for a while so you might as well learn now.