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Everything posted by trod2902

  1. trod2902

    Need help on what amp to get

    that amp is 700 watts at 2 ohms how much did you pay?
  2. trod2902

    3 15bl vs 2 18bl both fully loaded

    3 D1s VC wired in series, subs parallel = .67 ohm load
  3. trod2902


    i think theyre still pretty swamped right now because the steel delays put them so far behind. Give it time, theyll get your sub sent you just have to be patient. I think all the Q's have been sent out so you should be coming up pretty soon.
  4. trod2902

    Delay on Q's?

    I bet your patience is tested nearly everyday nick lmao
  5. trod2902

    Subwoofer stopped working :(

    lmao i guess ill try anyway since i have to recone it whether i try or not are there any CA glue solvents?
  6. I was bumping my SSD lastnight when it all of sudden stopped. Everything was sounding great and it just stopped. I looked at the connections to the box and everything was fine, then i pushed on the cone and it started working again. Still, it sounded just like it should (awesome lol) but then it stopped again. This morning i took it out of the box to check the connections to the sub and everything was as should be. When i would push the cone it would jump but stop working again. what the hell could this be?? also the tinsel leads, spiders, and everything else looks fine and in place.
  7. trod2902

    Subwoofer stopped working :(

    is it possible to detach the spider without cutting it, repair the tinsel, then glue it back?
  8. trod2902

    Subwoofer stopped working :(

    Thats it ^^ its in the box i built for my Bl 12 that im waiting on, i figured it would break but i thought it would be something more dramatic than that lol. I plan on reconing it to D1 anyway. can i just temporarily fix it by soldering the tinsel back on?
  9. trod2902

    Full size pickups.

    i have an 08 Nissan titan crew cab and it has the most room of the trucks i have seen (chevys and fords), the cab overall is just huge. if you want to go big you can build the box to angle the seat up a bit and it will still be comfortable to sit. This is how i have it. Honestly i think with an efficient design it might be possible to put four tens and still have a comfortable seat. Ill be putting a Fi bl 12 under mine as soon as it comes in. i have some picture of a box design for it in the fabrication section, it can stil go wider if i want it to also.
  10. that woulve been great lol o well i have more time to work on a new box now that my bl is being built haha good luck with the btl, maybe this one will suit you a little longer haha
  11. the btl has a neo mag which is actually smaller than the bl but does have a deeper mounting depth so keep that in mind. It sounds like the easiest route since you can use ur same box. i say go for it
  12. Dont worry about not having enough power, they will work fine.
  13. i cant vouch for them personally but people say great things about the dcons. Also you can check into the SA-10s, sundown carries some of them b-stock at a great price if you are interested. If youve had the same sub for six years why not go with something a little different?
  14. trod2902

    Need advice on my latest ideas....

    what will you be using to cut the wood?
  15. how much room do you have, maybe an 18 btl
  16. trod2902

    I need an amp!

    if its 1 ohm, maybe try to find a used alpine pdx 1000
  17. trod2902

    what wood glue is recommended

    from that link it seems that the type of wood glue doesnt matter much when it comes to strength, its all stronger than the wood anyway so breaking comes from failure of the joint rather than failure of the glue.
  18. trod2902

    I need an amp!

    An audioque 1200 is $250, Its a solid amp as well
  19. trod2902

    Delay on Q's?

    sounds awesome, thanks for the update scott
  20. trod2902

    looking for sub suggestions

    I had one ssd 10 in a large sealed box and man did it hit the lows hard and sound very clean. a suggestion would be a fully loaded ssd 12 in a large sealed box, but this will also decrease power handling so that is something to be carefull with.
  21. trod2902

    Any clue on the new IB's

    Great job Fi, thanks for striving to create the best product you can make. This transition seemed to be tough for everyone including the anxious customers lmao. I just ordered a BL 12 and im very excited. I built my box for it this weekend now its just time to wait
  22. trod2902

    Delay on Q's?

    Does this mean the ssd's should be back soon?
  23. trod2902

    Diameter of BL 12 magnet

    Im working on a box design right now to fit under the back seat of my nissan titan crew cab, turning out to be quite a challenge lol.
  24. trod2902

    Diameter of BL 12 magnet

    Just what the topic says, i need to know the diameter of a BL 12 magnet.
  25. trod2902

    Diameter of BL 12 magnet

    thanks bro