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Everything posted by trod2902

  1. trod2902

    Box build for Bl 12

    thats exactly what i did i tried several different links as well, forum full size, forum thumbnail, and short link from image shack hmmm maybe there was something exrta when i tried
  2. trod2902

    Box build for Bl 12

    thanks man what did you do?
  3. trod2902

    Box build for Bl 12

    Which link i tried the full size forum link and the thumbnail forum link i also tried the short link
  4. trod2902

    Box build for Bl 12

    http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/927/232323232fp3nu953362258.th.jpg' alt='232323232fp3nu953362258.th.jpg'> wow i must be stupid to not be able to figure this out
  5. trod2902

    Box build for Bl 12

    man wtf how do i insert images
  6. trod2902

    i know im gonna get it... but its been a month!!!!

    My bl 12 produces amazing results youll be slammin
  7. trod2902

    (3) 15" Dcon Box: VOTE

    i voted B One port big enough to put your head in sounds like a winner lmao
  8. lmao sundown is just assembled in america right?
  9. trod2902

    Wife's 98 Ram Blow Through

    looks great and im sure its sound is impressive sir
  10. trod2902

    Quick question on a box design

    If he wants SQ and doesnt care about output why not build a sealed box
  11. Sry to go off topic but i remember you saying your bl didnt play the lows like you wanted? well i have mine tuned to 30 hz and it def slams the lows. Maybe try adding another Bl, tuning low, and making a box on the large side of recommended. I was worried after reading your posts, but mine hits the low note on put on by Young Jeezy just like i was hoping, shakes everything in my truck
  12. trod2902

    Fi sent me the wrong size sub.

    i built it today and took pics build log will come soon and fuck ya im slammin!!!!!!
  13. trod2902

    Fi sent me the wrong size sub.

    Took me about 5 weeks But i got my Bl 12 Today Now i can start my box build, im fuckin pumped to hear it slam
  14. trod2902

    comp vt

    Thats dumb, just because everyone is doing it doesnt make it right. Most people are ignorant anyways, doest mean kicker is awesome, just means the brand is popular.
  15. trod2902

    Help with tuning amp for sub?

    i thought ssf was set 5 hz below?
  16. trod2902

    Dual 12" L7's ?

    There are several options suggested here that would be great for your application Sa-12 -$195 vvx12 -$170 fi ssd 12 (personally own a 10" and its amazing) -$194 SSA icon 12 -$260 IA Lethal Injection 12 -$190
  17. trod2902

    4 SA-15/SAZ3500d Walled GMC Sierra

    If modeling software is unavailable, what do you do then?
  18. Nice work man, those btls look sick with the smd baskets! Sorry but propper droppers sounds really funny, especially when i imagine someone with an english accent saying it lol
  19. trod2902

    Fi Bl tuned low?

    Im waiting on a Bl 12" and have been planning to do an underseat box for it. Im wonder if anyone has experience or insight with it tuned lower than 30hz. I really love the lows
  20. trod2902

    help on which model this fi is

    pc= p chamfer maybe? are u sure the pw is not fw? if so it might mean flatwind
  21. trod2902

    Fi Bl tuned low?

    30hz is what ill do, its getting about time to start building the enclosure. Bl 12 under the back seat of a nissan titan, i hope it works as planned
  22. trod2902

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

    What is goin on at the base of the ports lol? is that an inverted sub? 4th order bp with pvc??
  23. trod2902

    Need help choosing a subwoofer

    I think u meant an X or a Z lol
  24. There was a guy selling 6 used DD m1's on here Check him out see if he still has one, those are some solid amps that are underrated i think they are actually rated at 11.9 volts
  25. trod2902

    My new SQ subwoofers

    Awesome man!