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Everything posted by trod2902

  1. trod2902

    JL Audio W6

    What woofers did you swap em out for?
  2. trod2902

    Outrageous Deal | 4 - 6 pm EST | Tonight! 11-27-2011

    The email went out 12:51 est when I hit send. De: SSA Car Audio Forum (support @ soundsolutionsaudio.com) Enviado: domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011 08:37:13 p.m. Para: [email protected] I mean, I was aware of the sale, but I think you should send the email at least 10 hours before LOL Your joking right?
  3. trod2902

    Amp help

    I definitely suggest staying around 1500 rms and not exceeding the rating too much. Do you know that it takes (in theory) double power to notice a difference in output? If you exceed its rated power to then you no longer have any room for abuse handling (installation error, clipping etc...). Its nice to have a little headroom for your woofer in case of a fuck up, you see what i mean?
  4. trod2902

    Hyundai elantra HB

    I like it stealth too, very nice job! just that orange port seems kinda out of place
  5. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wow that is impressive
  6. Sounds like a good time to try the new SP4's sealed just sayin
  7. trod2902

    Outrageous Deal | 4 - 6 pm EST | Tonight! 11-27-2011

    its 6:36, sale is over
  8. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did you click my link ? I did. It was wonderful. I did as well and i agree haha
  9. trod2902

    SP4 now up!

    Its limitations are going to be based on your application, box size, tuning etc... so im sure you can run more with proper precautions but 2500 watts is its rating You need to order the subs and find out how much power they handle for YOU
  10. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This is a nice video to brighten up everyones sunday!
  11. trod2902

    Earthquake Sound?

    well, at first, i was thinking bass in trunk and mids up front, in the middle some highs would sound good to balance the sound out does it sound like your highs are behind you?
  12. trod2902

    Earthquake Sound?

    Wait, where are your tweeters? errm, i drilled holes on the sides in my backseats. idk if you know the layout of a 96 civic but where you can put cups in or other things in, its right behind that lol i am embarrassed of my installation skills I promise i wont laugh lol But seriously if you want to get better then help us help you
  13. trod2902

    Earthquake Sound?

    Wait, where are your tweeters? errm, i drilled holes on the sides in my backseats. idk if you know the layout of a 96 civic but where you can put cups in or other things in, its right behind that lol
  14. trod2902

    Budget TV help

    I always heard people going on and on about HD and how awesome it is. When I finally checked it out for myself, I found it to be too bright for my liking. It was almost painful to watch. you can always turn the brightness down..., did you at least notice the tremendous difference in clarity over SD?
  15. trod2902

    SSA Black Friday | 4 Day Event

    Not at the moment. looking for more options on 10's that work well in .25-.5 ft^3 sealed enclosures
  16. trod2902

    SSA Black Friday | 4 Day Event

    Yall wont be carrying the lower level AA products?
  17. trod2902

    Enclosure for 15 inch ZCON

    Double kerf ftw!
  18. trod2902

    Black Fi-day

    hmmm...lol... I want some X's or SSD's I hear ya, im thinkin four x10's
  19. I dont believe that is good advice since this guy seems to be a beginner (no offense OP)
  20. Getting ~1500 watts at 2 ohms can be expensive. Whats your budget? something like a rf t2500-bd would be great
  21. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I go through this all the time - "You should have done this in high school" "You should remember this from high school" "If you would have paid attention in high school, you would know this" Bitch, had I gone to high school, I would know this shit and wouldn't have to ask. Must be tough bro, why didnt you go to highschool?
  22. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Awesome. Once I get the hang of it, I'm good. But that initial learning is extremely difficult when it's not actually taught. My teacher literally skips slides, starts problems, works half way through then stops and goes to next slide. man seems like most teachers are like that, just to damn lazy to give a shit lol. It helps to learn to teach yourself, its like any skill, you can improve at it.
  23. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It helps immensely if the professor and book are both shitty. My first semester in college i had general chemistry with a professor that expected you to know all this shit already from highschool. He didnt follow the book very well and explained everything in a different way than the book. I got the schaums and worked a bunch of problems for each test. The class started out with about 100 students we finished with 12 lmao! 2 A's, one was me
  24. trod2902

    alternator wishes come true??

    Thats great! seems like you definitely got your money's worth!
  25. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have never forgotten a subject so fast in my life as calculus lol Me too and I'm only in first semester. Whatever I learn in week1 I forget in week3. I have to go back and practice. I took 1 and 2 and when i got to the second one i was like is this shit again? i was so glad to finish with it, its so useless in my field but i think im gonna need some of it for pchem next semester I'm barely getting by. So far the content hasn't been THAT bad, but my teacher isn't much of a help, and the book is poorly written. I find myself searching google for other lecture notes and problems on math forums. Sounds like me for my classes i use google and wikipedia a lot depending on how well the book is written there are also books you can usually download from torrent servers that are usefull, like Schaum's for example Schaums is basically an outline with a bunch of solved problems. Theres a Schaums edition for almost any subject