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Everything posted by trod2902

  1. trod2902

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Fuckin nasty man! Must be blowin your brains out!
  2. trod2902

    This is topic 3,000 in this section!!!

    To have a unique yet simple and effective system.
  3. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ive only done it once My buddies dad raises cattle and i help to "work" them. We spray them with anti-worm medication and separate the ones to be sold. Its pretty fun and them damn things amaze me with their power and stupidity. One of them died from over-exhaustion because he just wouldnt cooperate so we chopped him up and ate him lmao.
  4. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    haha exactly Just different cultures
  5. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Dem 'mericans will be like , happens all the time here butchered a cow before and got lots of steak!
  6. trod2902

    Senseless audio ramblings.........

    Ricksi filled it in with his post
  7. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What a bunch of motherpuckers Anything like that in the iphone? Most likely. If you don't like being monitored, a smart phone isn't a good thing to have. You cant give it up once you own one, thats some bullshit right there though. It should be a felony to do that imo.
  8. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What a bunch of motherpuckers Anything like that in the iphone?
  9. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds like you're doing it right Sore legs and biceps today Water, bananas, protein and rest. Then repeat
  10. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just finished watching the interview at the kimberley university, and ordered some of his books on amazon. Well done sir. The Large Hadron Collider he speaks of, is one of the projects I donate computing power to. I've been watching the LHC for the past few years, I remember when it was originally up for testing and it broke. Pretty amazing feat. Also remember it recording some absurd amount of data every second, likely that's what everyone's donated computers are working on. 15 million gigabytes per year (just looked it up) so crazy. Listening to these last interviews and discussions has really opened my eyes to cosmology, astrology, and the general idea of space-type-shit (for a lack of a better word), and has me thinking that this just may in fact be that subject or field I decide to major in after gen eds. After watching the interview i had to call my dad and talk to him about my career choice because it reaffirmed my fascination for those sciences that ive always had, which are somewhat different than my major. Im getting close to a crossroads in my life and now my decision that was once clear has become a little muddy
  11. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wow i just watched the whole thing and didnt plan to lmao. Two of my favorite things there, science and colbert lol I loved when Dr. Tyson said "It has no obligation to make sense to you because your sense didnt come from there!" when he was talking about quantum physics. im so inspired right now, thanks for posting this. Man your just gettin everything right this weekend lmao! When my brain is really firing along at work and I am not being disturbed, I will listen to talks from Dr Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sagan and some Hawkins. Ill have to start listening to more of them! I guess drinking a pot of coffee before i watched it was kind of necessary lol too bad i didnt use that buzz towards studying for finals though
  12. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wow i just watched the whole thing and didnt plan to lmao. Two of my favorite things there, science and colbert lol I loved when Dr. Tyson said "It has no obligation to make sense to you because your sense didnt come from there!" when he was talking about quantum physics. im so inspired right now, thanks for posting this. Man your just gettin everything right this weekend lmao!
  13. trod2902

    Thhhhhhhhank You! From SSA.

    I didnt get to participate but damn this is amazing guys
  14. Holy shit is that supposed to be the bracing?? Put in some glass and a door knob and you have a badass front door
  15. trod2902

    6 8" woofers

    no, those are not the SA-8s they are the E8s The new SA-8s havent been released yet
  16. trod2902

    birch box

    Agh ok, thanks!
  17. trod2902

    birch box

    I guess more ply would mean denser and less voids? Say comparing 5 ply to 11 ply
  18. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i messed up and entered my last post before i finished lol i edited it in though
  19. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have a really strange routine, but it works great for me i do the typical 5 day split, but i vary the muscle groups worked each day from time to time for example for about 8 weeks or so i do mon-chest tues-back wed-legs thurs-shoulders fri-arms then ill switch mon-chest + back tues- arms wed-legs thurs-shoulders fri-light chest and back(mainly body weight exercises) strange part comes in when i mix up each day some days i do a fast work out of many exercises 3 sets each some days ill pick one exercise(say dumbell bench) then do 10-12 sets pyramiding up to my 3 rep max some days ill pick a few exercises to do 5 sets pyramiding to about a 6 rep max, then back down to a light weight to get a deep burn
  20. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Theres a reason your biceps get sore, its because they are not used to being relaxed in that manner. Although gravity is bringing the weight down, your biceps are used to stablize the weight, then when lifting they must relax in order for your triceps to extend ( just like every muscle pair), thats why i always feel stronger when i warm up biceps before bench also (i need to get back to doing that) push ups and pulls ups are a great warm up imo, but everybody has their own way and there is no right way of course just listen to what people say, then take from them what works for you
  21. trod2902

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i think i need to update my warmup routine, it usually consists of windmills and thats about it LOL
  22. trod2902

    JL Audio W6

    I had a Fi BL 15. I traded it through Craigslist to get the W6's the BL isnt a very good choice for jazz anyway Id like to get my hands on some of them w6's as well Yeah after buying it I wished I would've bought the Q. Don't get me wrong the BL is an amazing driver and was stupid loud, but it doesn't really have the clarity of the W6 Definitely not meant to be a sound quality driver, but it performs great for me, which is slammin lows and pounding double bass Looks like you made a good trade through
  23. trod2902

    JL Audio W6

    I had a Fi BL 15. I traded it through Craigslist to get the W6's the BL isnt a very good choice for jazz anyway Id like to get my hands on some of them w6's as well