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About TheBlackCracka

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  1. TheBlackCracka

    1998 Ford Ranger 2 door, 10" Sub-woofer Enclosure?

    They are 6x8, I believe.
  2. TheBlackCracka

    1998 Ford Ranger 2 door, 10" Sub-woofer Enclosure?

    I took a short of my truck, for extra viewing angles. Sorry if the camera is shaky, or the quality is bad, not trying to win any filming awards here. The two things in the back with the rubber mats on them can be taken out, adding a little extra space. The center console itself can be removed, but the portion under it cannot, as it is part of the seat itself.It starts out at the bottom, about 10 inches max, and tapers upwards (due to the seat), to about 2 inches at the very top. From the very bottom of the truck up to that 2-inch point, it is ~25 inches. From the very bottom of where that little upper ledge is, with the things removed, to that 2-inch point is ~21 inches. Is that good for specs, or is there some other information that is needed?
  3. TheBlackCracka

    1998 Ford Ranger 2 door, 10" Sub-woofer Enclosure?

    My apologies, I should of taken some exact dimensions when I posted this. Since it is kind of dark now, I will take some tomorrow morning and hopefully get them up here soon. And a couple pictures, to make things easier. I am willing to sacrifice just about all the space that is back there, sub-woofer is way more important.
  4. I am getting one 10" Fi SSD sub-woofer very soon and I am having a bit of trouble on what to do for the enclosure. I drive a small, 1998 Ford Pickup, single cab. I am convinced, and determined, that it is possible to put a sub in any vehicle, but there really is very limited space back there to put anything. Does anyone have any experience or suggestions? I am looking for the best sound I can get, but I understand if it won't be optimal. Getting the materials and building it will be no problem, just need to know how to tackle this.