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Everything posted by pmureika

  1. pmureika

    01 'Zuk vs 18" xcon

    Looking good!
  2. pmureika

    Happy Birthday Adrian!

    Happy Birthday
  3. pmureika

    SSA Team Sub???

    The zcon is more then plenty for most people!
  4. pmureika

    new 20.1 question

    Not me. But IA says you can do it but no warranty. I ran a older one at 1 ohm and had no problems.
  5. pmureika

    new 20.1 question

    Then why are you running a cadance amp and not a IA. To much money for you?Damn someone is butthurt, haha I would think it is the other way around! How can you speak for IA amps when you don't use them??????????????????
  6. pmureika

    new 20.1 question

    Then why are you running a cadance amp and not a IA. To much money for you?
  7. pmureika

    SSA ZCON 12" D2 $400 shipped OBO

    Your going to have to run 2 or .5 ohms with 2 d2 drivers.
  8. pmureika

    I almost feel guilty

    It depends on the head unit.
  9. pmureika

    new 20.1 question

    You can get a crescendo amp and pay extra and they will warranty it to .5 ohms.
  10. pmureika

    new 20.1 question

    Is it worth blowing the amp if you don't have good electrical.
  11. pmureika

    01 'Zuk vs 18" xcon

    I think a stock alternator is around 150 amps on that Suburban. You might not have to upgrade.
  12. pmureika

    01 'Zuk vs 18" xcon

    Ofc copper wire would be better to use then copper clad aluminum. you said you bought the cca already.
  13. pmureika

    SSA ZCON 12" D2 $400 shipped OBO

    daily bump.
  14. pmureika

    WTT - Fi BL 15" and RF T-1000bd

    Read the rules. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/56710-read-the-rules/
  15. pmureika

    WTT - Fi BL 15" and RF T-1000bd

    Need pics!
  16. pmureika

    Hole size?

    If you want to do it cheap just use some woods screws and screw it down. I find its the easiest way and quickest.
  17. pmureika

    Hole size?

    http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=362&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_content=pla&utm_campaign=PLA&gclid=CLPWjba6qrkCFSVgMgodJEcALg Try these.
  18. pmureika

    Hole size?

    Is your box made of mdf? 8-32 work good but I dont recommend t-nuts in mdf. threaded inserts work better
  19. pmureika

    SSA photoshoot with Cristina Mirra

    Why she has what it takes.
  20. pmureika

    WTT/WTB havocs, Fi Q, IDMAX, or similar

    What? What are you confused about? .35? Yes!
  21. pmureika

    Which Driver For My Application

    I think you would be fine with gcons.