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Everything posted by pmureika

  1. pmureika


    But Stetsom has some quality issues!
  2. pmureika

    Greetings from Michigan

    What part you from? and thank you Portage, MI.
  3. pmureika

    Greetings from Michigan

    I get a negative for this?
  4. pmureika

    First post. Question about soundqubed

    I have run over a dozen aq amps and not one problem.
  5. I wish you would have posted sooner. I just thru one away.
  6. pmureika

    First post. Question about soundqubed

    I want a big fat D class, one I wont have to replace with a bigger one in 3 years, or because it broke. I want in the 3000 watt rms range. but will come down if the circumstances call for it(really impressive features, flawless reliablity, Rarity, anything like that) Its just tempting to get the AQ 3500.1 I mean, who can say no to 4200 watts rms at 14.4 volts-1 Ohm for $800 shipped. but thats why I came to you guys. Actually, that's quite expensive, but i can't say anything until next year. If you want impressive features, look at Incriminator Audio or CT Sounds for the time being. Havnt you had problems with a 2200? i found a thread somebody saying "wont buy SQ after the fiasco that shizzon had) whats that about Also, in what way is the 3500 expensive? cause its new? cause I haven't seen an equivalently powerful amp in that range anywhere. (that wasn't used) I had a aq2200d powering two 15" D4 Fi ssd subs for over a year and never had a problem with it. It was in a jeep liberty and I hit just over 148 db with it and it never got more than warm.
  7. pmureika

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    LolRun, run for clean air! That sounds like a good homemade bean chili with apple cider.
  8. pmureika

    WTB: Budget Sub(s)

    That would be a great price on a gcon 12.
  9. pmureika

    WTB: Budget Sub(s)

    Are the new ones out yet?
  10. pmureika

    RCA's recommendation

    I have used the NVX brand and have had good results with them.
  11. You should post this in the sundown section. Have you tried emailing sundown?
  12. You can get a used crescendo bc3500 for $500.
  13. Check pricing bu you are looking at 800 on the low end for a good amp.
  14. Call IA and see if you can swap. It would be much easier that way. You would still need the big three and good electrical!
  15. pmureika

    SSA Enclosure Recommendations

    Try this link. http://products.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/product-information/dcon.html
  16. pmureika

    Custom Box trend (post your custom box or wall build pic)

    All I saw was he posted a period. I think giving out negatives is bad before you know the facts. i didnt give out any negatives. i really think we should go back to the old system so we can see who dislikes something. I've never hit dislike on any post here on ssaThank you for your answer,
  17. pmureika

    6.5 components under $300

    Plus not everyone has the same ears.
  18. pmureika

    6.5 components under $300

    I like the IA components for the money they cost and the sound you get.
  19. pmureika

    6.5 components under $300

    I think it all depends on the vehicle you have and the speaker locations.
  20. pmureika

    too little power on your subs?

    I know alot of subs that sound good at half the rated power.lol
  21. pmureika

    Custom Box trend (post your custom box or wall build pic)

    All I saw was he posted a period. I think giving out negatives is bad before you know the facts.
  22. pmureika

    Custom Box trend (post your custom box or wall build pic)

    From what I could see it said (.).
  23. pmureika

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I still don't like contacts.
  24. pmureika

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If the company will pickup the bill it's not so bad.
  25. pmureika

    Custom Box trend (post your custom box or wall build pic)

    Are you a moderator?