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Everything posted by pmureika

  1. Mechman 300amp and zero gauge wire to the battery and ground to the battery.
  2. pmureika

    Dcon 15" for lows?

    I had one with the recommended size box tuned to 34 hz. I was happy with it.
  3. pmureika

    newbie from maryland

  4. pmureika

    ordering monday, any specials?

    What are you ordering?
  5. pmureika


    Aaron just because I am umemployed right know doesnt give Tirefyre the right to say I am broke. I speak the truth and unfortunately, you can't quite understand what I typed. You took one word I typed and that was the only thing you gathered from my post. Many times in this thread, and many others, you've proven your inability to comprehend what is typed, or you let your emotion get involved and just take it in a totally different direction. If you don't want someone to comment on your being unemployed, do not post it. It's simple as that. You opened the door and I merely walked in. Just as you have the right to type anything you want, I have the right to comment on it. I expect the same in any thread or post I make. It is common sense, but alas this is a virtue any more, not an instinct. All I was trying to get out of this thread is what another member is doing to it.Sorry for all the trouble. This is the point I am trying to make. If that's what you wanted to know, ASK THAT, and give us THAT information. See what I mean here? We all could have avoided all this had you provided more information (and left out the unnecessary) and asked the specifics that you wanted to know. Now, with all that out of the way, the BEST thing about SSA is we can all have discussions like this and don't end up like a bunch of idiots. We all may call each other names or piss each other off, but in the end, I think everyone comes to an understanding and we set our differences aside and come to a working conclusion. I don't see that on any other forums. Thank you for the input.
  6. Is a kicker kx3 a good crossover to use?
  7. pmureika


    Aaron just because I am umemployed right know doesnt give Tirefyre the right to say I am broke. I speak the truth and unfortunately, you can't quite understand what I typed. You took one word I typed and that was the only thing you gathered from my post. Many times in this thread, and many others, you've proven your inability to comprehend what is typed, or you let your emotion get involved and just take it in a totally different direction. If you don't want someone to comment on your being unemployed, do not post it. It's simple as that. You opened the door and I merely walked in. Just as you have the right to type anything you want, I have the right to comment on it. I expect the same in any thread or post I make. It is common sense, but alas this is a virtue any more, not an instinct. All I was trying to get out of this thread is what another member is doing to my jeep .Sorry for all the trouble.
  8. pmureika


    I agree with that.I was just trying to figure out what S DeYoung was trying to do to my jeep.
  9. pmureika


    I believe the part number I gave should have been sufficent?
  10. pmureika


    Read what I asked in the first post. I dont think I should have gotten those answers.
  11. pmureika


    A cross over you dick. You'll get no help from me, with an attitude like that. The orginal question was simple. Dont answer a question with a question.
  12. pmureika


    A cross over you dick.
  13. pmureika


  14. pmureika


    Denim(Aaron) one of the owners of SSA
  15. pmureika


    Good for you.I hope you like it as much as I did.
  16. pmureika

    Battery selection confusion

    I would agree wth that.
  17. pmureika


    Sean got them they are 6.5 inche He said he got the last pair.
  18. pmureika


    Dont want to spend that kind of money right now, but thanks for the input.I am looking at kicker. Those crossovers Road posted seem comparable to the Kicker you're interested in... Just FYI... Our friend S DeYoung recommended kicker.... just FYI.... I gotcha, I wouldn't doubt it would work but they're good option in the same price range if you didn't make your purchase already... What speakers are you using? I think I missed that... Didnt say but mach 5 mids and lpg tweeters xcon sub 15 inche
  19. pmureika


    Dont want to spend that kind of money right now, but thanks for the input.I am looking at kicker. Those crossovers Road posted seem comparable to the Kicker you're interested in... Just FYI... Our friend S DeYoung recommended kicker.... just FYI....
  20. pmureika


    Dont want to spend that kind of money right now, but thanks for the input.I am looking at kicker.
  21. pmureika


    This is uselees, The end
  22. pmureika


    I ask a question to get help and there are nothing but negative remarks, your moderators arent know it alls. Perhaps if there was a question asked we would have answered. Read the first post! You've changed your mind many times since then, we'd love to help, but you insist on not listening. I do all I want is a good 3way active cross over.Is that simple enough for you? Here is a good 3-way active crossover for you ...
  23. pmureika


    I ask a question to get help and there are nothing but negative remarks, your moderators arent know it alls. Perhaps if there was a question asked we would have answered. Read the first post! You've changed your mind many times since then, we'd love to help, but you insist on not listening. I do all I want is a good 3way active cross over.Is that simple enough for you?
  24. pmureika


    I ask a question to get help and there are nothing but negative remarks, your moderators arent know it alls. Perhaps if there was a question asked we would have answered. Read the first post!