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Everything posted by pmureika

  1. You need more experience because i have heard 1750wrms subs on 500wrms and they will get loud.
  2. I think there is something wrong if 500rms doesnt get that bl moving good.Its it a d2vc, d4vc or d1vc?
  3. pmureika

    two 15s

    I like the idea of one Icon or Xcon ported on 1200wrms
  4. pmureika

    500W amps

    I lke the Aq750 or the jbl because you can go to 1 ohm if you want to upgrade the sub.
  5. do you have any audiocontrol equipment No I dont.
  6. To long of ground wires on the power amps I hear can cause whine.
  7. pmureika

    Aternator question

    I installed a 300 amp mechman on my 2009 jeep.I put a new belt on but dont have any squeal issues.
  8. pmureika

    Awaiting shipment

    Its worth the wait!
  9. Just asking because the port would be to close to the hatch. Any opinions?
  10. pmureika

    Impala Rebuild 2012

  11. pmureika

    Sub up and knerf port up?

    I have sub up port back on a 2009 jeep liberty. Its just beatng the crap out of the rear hatch.I even removed the rear wiper to help.
  12. pmureika

    Subs Smells At Higher Notes.Why?

    I believe that's more common in class a/b amps though. In simple terms. turn the gain down and dont play it so loud. He already fixed his problem. Good to hear.
  13. pmureika

    Subs Smells At Higher Notes.Why?

    I believe that's more common in class a/b amps though. In simple terms. turn the gain down and dont play it so loud.
  14. pmureika

    i love the dcons but...

    Alot more money just to get louder.
  15. pmureika

    2012 t-shirts are in!

    Got mine.
  16. pmureika

    4 channel amp wiring question, opinions

    If so then I am better bridging the amp and not splitting RCA's. Didnt think of the voltage. hmmm maybe someone can answer that. I am running Rockford T2652s up front and would probably just add another set. I think by running splitters you will decrease the ohm load from 4 to 2ohms Do some research and you will find out splitters do not change the ohm load, only adding/deleting speakers can change ohm loads and wiring configurations. Please be advised with what your saying as other people read this thread for the same answers, we dont want any confusion or misinformation. Maybe he should be the one asking questions....LOL Here is my amp specs BTW. http://www.sonicelec...-PDX-4.150.html Naw i doubt it since he is the one who claims to hit a 150db with 2 Icon 12'' and a AQ2200d but couldnt provide evidence when i asked, not that guy. He should do more than ask questions, Im glad he is trying to help but you gotta know when you know something and when you dont. Read under the controls section here and it tells you no y-splitter is needed and one set of 2 channel rca's will be enough to run all 4 channels. You just have to put the signal setting on the right feature: http://www.crutchfie...tml#details-tab Sorry I guess I didnt understand your question.
  17. pmureika

    4 channel amp wiring question, opinions

    If so then I am better bridging the amp and not splitting RCA's. Didnt think of the voltage. hmmm maybe someone can answer that. I am running Rockford T2652s up front and would probably just add another set. I think by running splitters you will decrease the ohm load from 4 to 2ohms
  18. pmureika

    4 channel amp wiring question, opinions

    You can adjust that with your head unit. You must not understand my question at all. I'll give someone else a shot at it. Thanks I understand you want all the signals to be the same.Do you want to use the second amp channels to run a sub?Do you have a sub amp?
  19. pmureika

    4 channel amp wiring question, opinions

    You can adjust that with your head unit.
  20. pmureika

    4 channel amp wiring question, opinions

    Do you have front and rear rca's coming off the H/U and no sub outputs?
  21. pmureika

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Its supposed to be 85 degrees in Portage, MI tomorrow.