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Everything posted by Thekid5678

  1. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    how do those measurements sound?
  2. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    Ok instead of taking pictures i just did some measuring. The box measures 30" Wide X 16 3/4" tall X 18 1/4" deep The port measures 3 1/4" Wide X 15 1/8" tall I hope this box will be sufficient as i do not want to have to buy another box.
  3. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    ok went outside and braved the 20degree weather in my boxers to get the box lol.. i forgot how heavy the damn thing was with the amp on it and the sub in it.. I would say it weighs close to 220 pounds.. Any way. I will take some pics real quick and get them up Also with the crossfire vr602 being a 2 channel amp, what kind of wattage is it putting out bridged?
  4. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    I would have to get the box and bring it inside to measure it, But its a Huge memphis premade box with a big port. Will try to get some pics up of it
  5. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    I'm not sure if I will get in trouble for this or not, but since i can't post in the Fs/wtb thread, I'm going to post a wtb in here WTB: amp at a good price that will power the 15'' Fi ssd.. refurb/used is what im looking for since im kinda low on cash atm. Please let me know through Pm if you have a good reliable used or refurbed amp that would be a good match for that driver. Thanks in advance, and sorry if Im not allowed to post a wtb in here
  6. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    OK, I will do that for now.. just run the vr602 and watch the gain setting and listen for clipping/distortion. Also thanks for the amp suggestions. I'll look for a sundown as soon as i get the money saved up.
  7. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    Thanks for all the replies guys.. Well I guess I will stay away from that amp.. But since I will be Buying that sub no matter what. Will my vr602 be ok until i save up for a decent amp? also would this amp be a good match for that sub http://www.amazon.com/Hifonics-HFi1000-D-Class-Mono-Amplifier/dp/B0036B8UPM ? All the reviews on it are good and it seems to be a great amp for the price.
  8. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    Also I will not have it hooked up to that amp for long. I have been looking at a different amp, tell me what you guys think http://www.amazon.com/Power-Acoustik-CPT1-2200D-Control-Selectable/dp/B003CYL7KS/ref=sr_1_5?s=car&ie=UTF8&qid=1290849154&sr=1-5 Technical Details 1 Ohm Load Stable Class D Selectable 45Hz, 6/12dB Bass Boost Variable 12dB 20-50Hz Subsonic Filter Bridged Synchronization (strap amps together for double power!) MOSFET PSU Transistors ? Regulated PWM Power Supply ? Three-Way Protection Circuitry (short, thermal & overload) ? Pre-Amp Outputs ? 200mV-8V Low Level Inputs here is the specs on power acoustiks officail site http://www.poweracoustik.com/pa2006/product_AUDIO_amp_crypt.htm