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Everything posted by Thekid5678

  1. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    Still trying to get the videos up. In the mean time i have a question. My car cannot handle continuous bass and draw from the amp. Would getting just a Capacitor be ok? or do I need to put a second battery in? Just a Fyi for new people reading this, I have a SSD 15 with a Sundown 1200d
  2. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    will post a video of my first demo and first hair trick as soon as my video editing software stops being jewish.
  3. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    I vote Kenwood X794. But I'm biased pros cons? reasons that you suggested this one? Pros: Excellent sound quality Very clean and simple looking eXcelon units have more settings 5 band EQ iPod interface is pretty straightforward Cons: Nothing really, maybe the occasional bad glare looks good to me.. thanks ill go ahead and buy it
  4. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    I vote Kenwood X794. But I'm biased pros cons? reasons that you suggested this one?
  5. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    got the ssd 15 and the sundown 1200d in yesterday. hooked it all up and put it in the prefab box for now just so i could have some beats.. and guess what, my damn head unit went to shit. So here I am again with more questions.. What is a good head unit at a reasonable price? it can be double din or single din, doesnt matter
  6. Ok guys, Who wants to be first and jump in on some sketchs/layouts for me? :-) Ok here we go, I have a Fi SSD 15 on the way with a sundown 1200d But no box to put it in. So here I am, I need some help with a box layout The dimensions I have to work with are 29" wide X 31" deep X 18" Tall. If possible I think a Face up Back port would be the best for my car, But if im wrong please let me know. Thanks in advance ~Tyler
  7. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    Andrew is getting better at boxes! Three thumbs up on my end for PHYSICS! :fing34:
  8. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    see, this is what i was talking about. So Im torn between just gluing, or gluing and screwing lol.
  9. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    I have read 2 different things on this forum ( either that or I misread ) I have seen some people say " You just need to glue a box " But then I have seen other people say " You need to glue and screw your box " What is the best route to go? I would never have guessed that people just glued a box when assembling, Just seems like that would not be much support, and after a few good 35Hz beats that it would just fall apart
  10. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    the baffles or what ever those are in the box that are 3 47/64" are those just glued in or glued and screwed?
  11. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    no problem.. Just gotta wait to buy the wood and get the sub and amp in.
  12. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    :thanx: :thanx:
  13. Hey all I have a Memphis M3 15 ( NOT a Mojo ) Laying around and it needs a new cone. Is there anyone that recones memphis subs or sales recones?
  14. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    Thank you very much.. Now I can go buy my Wood! Edit : just to make sure since I'm not very smart on box tuning and this particular sub. 31hz will be safe?
  15. Thekid5678

    Is it possible for a recone?

    Yes and they want An ungodly amount of money to recone it. I have read a few posts that you can swap Fi Cones on them, But I'm not sure.
  16. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    not bitching or moaning.. just stating that they box specs from Fi's site would not work
  17. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    Bummer, The box on Fi's Site is too big
  18. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    Then you better start learning Crash course, You can use this calculator for determining enclosure volume: http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/boxcalcs.asp#rec Then you can use http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/boxcalcs.asp#porsq for determining your ports width height and length. (Make sure your port area is sufficient or you'll end up with port noise. general rule is 12-16square inches of port area per foot. Not saying the rule is perfect, just a guideline you can follow.) Then your gonna want to subtract your subwoofer's displacement, port displacement, and any bracing displacement. Now you'll have your net volume. So build a box so your net volume falls in between the manufacturers suggestion. Then start cutting pieces? Well seeing how this will be my first box, I wouldnt want to take any chances on doing something wrong. I was just hoping someone would offer some Sketch's/plans
  19. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    Bummer :-( lol I'm pretty much broke right now.
  20. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    I wasn't really thinking that I would need to purchase the design. Thought maybe one of you here on the site could help me :-)
  21. Thekid5678

    In need of Box Design, Info inside

    96 integra gsr
  22. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    No problem at all, I'm glad to help. Try posting it up in the box fabrication section. I'm sure someone will chime in. Ok, I posted there. Ill check back here though to see if anyone posts anything in this thread
  23. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    Home Depot sells wood and all the supplies you need. For wood glue get Titebond III and don't forget wood clamps. K thanks.. Also as for box design would fired up and rear port be best in an integra hatch? Edit You must have got your post in right before me lol.. ok thanks. as for a second option if that wont work? I have 30" wide X 32" deep X 19" Tall to work with Well dam, with that amount of space you have plenty of room to work with. I think the sub up/port back would work perfectly fine. And don't worry about all the questions, that's the best way to learn things. Read and ask. Keep it up. Thx for taking your time with me :-) Also Can anyone draw me up some box specs that will fit within those dimensions please?