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Everything posted by Thekid5678

  1. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    on my way to radioshack, be back in a bit
  2. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    how can I do this? Cause I just hooked everything up again and still nothing. Getting a Green light on the amp, and all the tests worked on the sub.. I'm not sure how to run my ipod directly to my amp. Can you please explain how to do this?
  3. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    how can I do this? Cause I just hooked everything up again and still nothing. Getting a Green light on the amp, and all the tests worked on the sub..
  4. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    I have followed my 12v wire from the battery fuse all the way back and can't see anything wrong. The negative is connected to a very bare metal area and has worked for all my systems for the past 5 years I guess I will try hooking it all up again.. I guess if I don't have any luck this time I will just send in receipts and both items to their manufacturer and ask them to see if either is malfunctioning lol
  5. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    Just did this on both coils. The speaker speaker moved both times
  6. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    Will this void warranty?
  7. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    Sorry the meter had to be set.. It is now reading 1.4 on both coils
  8. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    No, It's an Fi SSD 15" " Dual 2 Ohm" And is wired like this video
  9. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    and just so you guys know more info, I had it wired down to 1ohm
  10. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    if I am reading my meter correctly, its says 0.7 ohm on both coils
  11. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    ssf is turned about 1/4 of the way up. gain is set a little less than 1/4 up, Phase switch set on 0. Im running 4 gauge power wire and 4 gauge ground. speaker wire from amp to driver is 10 or 12 gauge ( can't remember the exact size. as for what the box is tuned to, I would have to look it up. I can't remember, but 23hz sounds right
  12. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    How do I hook the meter up to the sub? Just so I know I'm doing it correct
  13. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    I have done nothing to abuse or misuse the setup. so please don't make comments when you don't know.
  14. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    I haven't had a chance to test them yet ( Missing required tools ) Once I get it tested, I will let you all know what the readings were
  15. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    I guess what I meant was, are they usually pretty good at honoring their warranty?
  16. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    Will fi honor their warranty? Since I did nothing to cause the damage?
  17. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    Will you speak English please? LOL
  18. Thekid5678

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    Sorry, I should have gone into more detail. I have already done everything you said. The tinsel leads look to be in great shape, the spider isn't burnt and when I press on the cone, the sub is still nice a stiff ( got it 6 months ago)
  19. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    Power glove?
  20. Hello all, I have to say that Fi car audio has really caught my eye.. first off I will say Hi and that my name is Tyler. With that said here is my question. I have been looking at the FI SSD 15 and I'm not sure about what ohm and stuff to get on the sub with the amp I have. I currently have a Crossfire VR602 and I need some help with picking the options on the sub ( such as Ohm: FlatwindCoil: BP Power: ). Im sure i dont need flatwindcoil or bp power as they just seem to be upgrade options.. so basically all i need to know is what ohm I should get on the sub dual 1 or dual 2.. and im sure the amp will be underpowering the sub but should it sound ok bridged?
  21. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    So I still need to build a new box, but I am happy for now. I got the amp pretty much perfectly tuned to my liking and changed the way the box was facing.. I did have it facing forward and liked it, But now I have it fired up, AND OH MY GOD! When I crank it up for demos, It literally makes your eyes fuzzy from the vibration lol.. Makes me really curious as to how a box properly tuned and built for the sub will sound!
  22. Thekid5678

    Cheapest amp that will power a 15" BL nicely?

    X2, a aq 1200 d would be perfect for a bl Off topic, but I saw this and had to chime in.. Just curious, I got a 15 ssd and was told a Sundown 1200 would be perfect for it, Now i read this and see that 1200 is perfect for a BL. Did i purchase the wrong driver and should have stepped up a level to the BL?
  23. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    Is a 1200d too much for a stock alternator? and also, I have always wondered how you run a second battery The video did not embed for some reason.. Will a forum Guru please embed it? Here is a link to the video [Edit] Never mind there it is.. I must be too drunk.. ROFL!
  24. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    Is a 1200d too much for a stock alternator? and also, I have always wondered how you run a second battery
  25. Thekid5678

    Hey I'm new and have some questions

    <object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0weIurc1wI?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0weIurc1wI?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0weIurc1wI?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>