Yeah i broke two of them from hitting the bottom of my seat. i had so other 8s in the same box and had no problem but the sa-8s had more excursion than i expected. my fault!. do you think i would have the same issue with the sa10?? i know they move a good bit.. just trying to figure out an option thats gonna work for these... I would downfire them. i dont recall if you could fit them under the factory seat position. you would have to run them sealed at the very least. i have my seat lifted about 4 inches and use up all available volume in the back and i still only get 2.4 cubes ported. i could get 2.6 if i really needed but thats it. ive got enough depth.. just need to move them a little closer to the frony of the seat.. i was thinkink about upfire.. and maybe flush mounting them to eat up a little of the excursion of the sub... possibly some sort of grill to protect the sub from the seat resting on it.. idk...