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Everything posted by hdorre

  1. hdorre

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

    I understand now. I thought you were possibly referring to the bottom depth. At least its all cleared up now.
  2. hdorre

    2 Fi BTL N2 port design

    It'd sound mediocre. Iirc perfectly square ports aren't best. Don't quote me on that though.
  3. hdorre

    2 Fi BTL N2 port design

    It looks like its time to take out a pen and paper
  4. hdorre

    2 Fi BTL N2 port design

    Yep, I meant that it could go down the back wall
  5. hdorre

    BTL N1 Release?

    Im tuned in for this
  6. hdorre

    2 Fi BTL N2 port design

    A wall is just a big box, so the port can still be "bent"
  7. hdorre

    2 Fi BTL N2 port design

    How high is the box? Of you're doing a slot port or a port with one port wall, you can have the port go up the back wall too.
  8. hdorre

    2 Fi BTL N2 port design

    That means that you need to increase the ports length. Keep in mind that you can use decimals in the calculator
  9. hdorre

    2 Fi BTL N2 port design

    Your best bet would be to play around with it. Try different dimensions. If the port area isnt big enough increase the height/width of the port. Just keep in mind that bigger ports decrease the net volume
  10. hdorre

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

    Oh, I have one more question lol- was it 40" to the plastic trim panel, or the actual hatch?
  11. hdorre

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

    Eh, looks like I was off a little. I was going to say 22, but from the last angle it was hard to tell whether or not the box was over the headrests
  12. hdorre

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

    Thats huge? Judging by the dimensions you gave me, Im guessing its 21 inches tall?
  13. hdorre

    2 Fi BTL N2 port design

    No problem! I love that program
  14. hdorre

    Low fixed shipping on XS Power Batts

    This is nice to hear
  15. hdorre

    2 Fi BTL N2 port design

    http://www.*****.com/board/topic/38791-torres-box-tuning-calculator-updated-310/ This is very simple and has many port options. You need Windows (or Parallels for Mac) to run this
  16. hdorre

    Is it possible?

    ^^that is what I was going to say..damn ninjas
  17. hdorre

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

    How big is that box, and how much port area does that big thing have?That port looks intimidating...almost like it'll eat you up
  18. hdorre

    Hey Guys

    Thank you guys
  19. hdorre

    New Member

  20. hdorre

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

    Got wood? This looks real good. It could probably hold a few hundred pounds with all that bracing and baffles haha
  21. hdorre

    Fi Subwoofer

    Lol, all subs work in winISD. Read the bold...and while youre at it, read this quote from Nick- First of all, you must not of read this thread, as he wants a sub for his home. So the car variable isn't there. Mkayy..sorry for that. There are still many variables though. You must have missed where I was going..... Also, you must don't real how a program like that works. Its a box designing program, so what you type in for a box, it will give him a graph. True, but the graph usually wont be exactly correct because of most of the variables I listed before So how will a box, port area be a variable when that's what the graph shows a example of? Port area should be common sense because ports depict frequency response (isnt that what winISD predicts). For your subs, try a port with 6sqin and then try with a port that uses 16sqin . What should be less peaky? Sure, these types of programs isn't going to give you a exact description of the response, but it does give you a general idea. When did I say it didnt give a general idea (in the quoted post)? Say you type in 3 cuft tuned to 50hz for a 15, its going to show a graph that will have similar results in the field. It could be "similar," but it could be way off too because its only a hypothesis If these programs are total useless, why is there one? Good question Take a 4th or 6th order, you think you can design these without a program without having ton of experience with them? No. Obviously not So what's the difference with a normal ported enclosure? It isnt too different. It may be similar to a real world experience, and it could be pretty far off Like I said, it won't be exact, but it CAN give you a general idea most of the time. Yes, it CAN..sometimes Also, when you refer to AA/Fi not working in this programs, your referring to the higher motor force subs. And according to the program to get a semi flat response, it needs to be in a off the wall size enclosure. I was obviously correct, so I dont see why youre argueing
  22. hdorre

    Getting Packed for SBN

    Nice...uhm...shirt Skeet Skeet
  23. hdorre

    45's in port of sub box

    45s really mostly with air turbulence. They take up space, so the tuning will SIGHTLY rise. I doubt youd notice an audible difference with the 45s unless youre out for numbers
  24. hdorre

    Fi Subwoofer

    AA/Fi subs dont work well in winISD FYI Even IF the program worked well for the subs, there would be too many variables (car, box setup, box size, port area, music. amp power, etc) to just flatout compare the subs' frequency response in the program
  25. I wouldnt feel safe doing it on a Hifonics. If you rise and have EXCELLENT electrical, maybe it could happen. Those amps are inefficient enough at 1 ohm; I couldnt even imagine efficiency at .5.