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Everything posted by suicideking602

  1. suicideking602

    Don't know which 15" sub

    i'm not sure about Incriminator but i do know RE SRX is made oversea's, not that it's a bad thing, i'm just not very impressed with RE's lower lines anymore IMHO.
  2. suicideking602

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    i have always liked these hoes. You do amazing work man, can't wait to see the finished product!
  3. suicideking602

    Couple of bikes from Thunder in the Valley

    nice pictures man! that old school looking trike is bad ass! If you click on your pictures on photobucket till they get to their max just right click the pic to get the url and it should post them bigger, that's how i post mine.
  4. suicideking602

    Custom Port into cabin?

    i'm not sure how custom you want to get but you could always remove the 10 and replace it with the 12 in a sealed box firing thru the rear deck...
  5. suicideking602

    2006 Buick Rendezvous 2 RF T3Ks and some hybrid 18s

    Thanks! Thanks bro. i'm just using my old cellphone, no camera settings... So still no vehicle, they still can't figure out what is going on, might be getting a new/ used vehicle. As for the subs i am waiting on another motor so i can have my 4th 18 built..
  6. suicideking602

    2006 Buick Rendezvous 2 RF T3Ks and some hybrid 18s

    Nobody likes new woofers?
  7. suicideking602

    Happy Birthay Shizzzon and Shogen

    Happy Birthday to both of ya!
  8. suicideking602

    My friends totaled Audi A4

    Long story short... This 15 year old kid in my neighborhood with no license crashed into my friends PARKED Audi A4 in front of my house. He told the cops that he was going 5 MPH LOL. The funny part was the little kid was trying to act tuff infront of the cops but after the cops left he hid in his parents car, The stupid kid only lives 1 side street over from me... you can't really tell from the picture but his box and amp was pushed all the way into the back seat and the headunit was laying on passenger floor, just from the impact.
  9. suicideking602

    96 Impala 4 12s

    it was worth a shot...best modern impala built to date!
  10. suicideking602

    96 Impala 4 12s

    If you ever want to sell that impala let me know!
  11. suicideking602

    My friends totaled Audi A4

    the box had to go in thru the backseat it was to big to go thru the trunk. the only tricky part is that there is a batcap installed in the rear corner were the most damage is. Fun day I have tomorrow. he is planning on getting a Range Rover now so i will put up a build log when i do his new install.
  12. suicideking602

    My friends totaled Audi A4

    2 re audio sex 12s, i gotta rip everything out tomorrow...
  13. suicideking602

    My friends totaled Audi A4

    The kid was only 15 bro, and my friend just got out of prison
  14. suicideking602

    hertz maxima

    Nice vids man! I'm surprised the rearview mirror is still hanging.
  15. suicideking602

    2006 Buick Rendezvous 2 RF T3Ks and some hybrid 18s

    Talked to my mechanic today and he said that I should have my truck back within a few days. I am picking up my 18s in the morning, so pics will be posted tomorrow.
  16. suicideking602

    4 Zcon 18s = Tap Out

    Me tapping out in my boys truck. lol song is - Immediate death by decibels. This truck does 157.0 DB at the headrest.
  17. suicideking602

    kinda noob fuse question

    1.Install your fuses last but before you start your vehicle. 2.I usually tap what ever wire to the post first to get that first spark out of the way, then you should be good after that... Listen to Shizzon he has got you on the right path.
  18. suicideking602

    ZCON vs BTL

  19. suicideking602

    ZCON vs BTL

    in what aspect? there is alot to take into consideration...
  20. suicideking602


    I'm curious as to why you would say that? Nice looking sub you got there!
  21. suicideking602

    Best program to design a new box ?

    try the12volt.com
  22. suicideking602

    So my car got stolen..

    On your next vehicle install a kill switch. everytime you leave your car, switch it on and you will be fine... My friends vehicles cigarette lighter is his switch. Just a thought on future security, to prevent this from happening again.
  23. suicideking602

    So my car got stolen..

    OFF TOPIC- This thread has more responses than both my build logs put together lol
  24. suicideking602

    So my car got stolen..

    When my cadillac was stolen, i was driving around with my friends for days looking for it...I finally found it out on the Indian Res. I would call your friends up and go look for it, check your local shops to see if they chopped it up. Depending on the vehicle they might just be joyriding it... or they took it to mexico and sold it...