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Everything posted by Infinite913

  1. Infinite913

    Pink SSA t-shirts????

    My wife threw on my white SSA shirt and looked oh so ever sexy holding my first place trophy....... JUS SAYIN!
  2. Infinite913

    Help with Hid Headlights

    you need to get a relay for your harness. so it will draw power from your battery directly and use your headlight plugs for the "turn ON"
  3. Infinite913

    1000th Poast :P

  4. Infinite913

    power handling from magnet

    PSI answer i dont know lets try it.........
  5. Infinite913

    Addictive Audio?

    review plzzzzzzzzzz
  6. Infinite913

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    I think he was reffering to everything FALLING APART WITH THAT MUCH POWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Infinite913

    Water Bucket Surfing

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VvX6v2IQg8&feature=channel_video_title this is what we do to make it through the day.
  8. Infinite913

    Silly Roof Flex!

    sorry for the quality its my cell phone. Also its a modded slowed song not a test tone. Please enjoy!
  9. Infinite913

    Silly Roof Flex!

  10. Infinite913

    Fi BTL N3 vs. AA SMD

    this thread made me want to put a barrel in my mouth and hope that there was a bullet in the chamber!
  11. Infinite913

    Is the sundown 100.2 stable at two ohms bridged?

    ok what flavor you want.
  12. Infinite913

    Is the sundown 100.2 stable at two ohms bridged?

    +1 with what ^^^ he said!
  13. Infinite913

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

  14. Infinite913

    Regina's 03" Durango

    need I say more I think not! :wub: :wub: :wub:
  15. Infinite913

    the car audio experts at best buy

    love this thread
  16. Infinite913

    Box Design

    NOOB! lol
  17. Infinite913

    Xcon versions

    The new cooling there is no pole vent style cooling as we are traditionaly used to. As Duran said it is more of a built in axial cooling
  18. Infinite913

    Xcon versions

    The cooling features on the new one are different and IMO work amazing as they share the same cooling as its big brother the zcon
  19. Infinite913

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

  20. Infinite913

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    I know its crappy video but its the cell phone and it was in the car.