Duran is correct, Most people who ask for SQ most don't really want it they just don't want their system to sound like shit. Sound Quality is all opinion based, That's the hard part about music it's all peoples preferences, But I can see that you're looking for basically a loud daily driver. Before you go off and buy a new woofer i would suggest porting all 3 P2's if you're able to, If not i'd port two and come back. Having the proper box will make everything great and most likely louder. I would suggest forward facing your woofers to the cabin with port on the drivers side (this typically is louder in most cars) and see what happens. A sheet of MDF is around 30 bucks.. Much cheaper than new woofers. Music preferences, electrical, budget, and front stage info would all be great. I got the p2s for wholesale price along with the box which is around 6 cubic feet and already have someone who is going to buy it for their son. Additionally, my amp is tuned more than half way down and I bought that amp to use as much power as can give out. I started out my search looking for a quality sub and only found out about Fi after I made my purchase.