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Guardian Sphynx

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Everything posted by Guardian Sphynx

  1. Guardian Sphynx

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    First off, this is my first post ever on the SSA Forum, from the Fi side of course. Secondly, your truck is absolutely gorgeous man. Thirdly, that's some nice work you've done on your door panels to house the speakers and the subwoofer box is looking pretty dang awesome. Lastly, your truck seriously reminds me of my old 2004 Yukon XL I had two years ago. Sadly, she died in a wreck when my brother wrecked in it. She was black with black "spare style" wheels all the way around and chrome GMC center caps. Kind of FBI-ish looking, but with 5% tint all the way around. Seeing your truck looking like that with all that cool gear going into it brings a tear to my eye(almost). Good luck with your build Sir, and take good care of her.