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Everything posted by BIGJEFF64

  1. BIGJEFF64

    WTB SAZ 3500w amp

    here is 1 barely used on FloridaSPL http://www.floridaspl.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23624
  2. BIGJEFF64

    Gcon 12 vs Sa 12

    both are great subs IMO and i really like the XFL which is in another class than the gcon or sa but u can find those under 200 as well. it depends on what power u wanna run
  3. BIGJEFF64

    JL audio tw5 13.5" Dust-Cap issue

    Another good option, would look really good. agreed here that would look real good
  4. the alt idea really depends on how many amps his stock puts out i think a couple of batts on a 2k will be fine without an alt u will have to get to measuring hwat u wanna do with ur trunk and accomodate for batts
  5. i tried goin the 5 channel before but its just gonna be better in teh long run to get 2 seperates
  6. 1.5 ohm, they are 3ohm coils and that amp will not run them subs good at all u need at least 2k at 2ohm BTW and then u will more than likely need to up ur electrical again
  7. IMO i dont like the optimas and if ur dead set on them then i would try to pick up another 1 and have 2 in the back maybe see if u can get the real group 31 yellow tops
  8. i had my btl 18 triple stack on a powerbass 4k daily and it ran like a champ!!! i say give it more power at least 3k
  9. i like the soundtream rubi or the audiopipe 1800. look for a used AQ2200 that will do u right big time!!!!
  10. BIGJEFF64

    10" 300w woofer recommendation

    the new sundown e series subs are about 15 more and would do work
  11. BIGJEFF64

    ICON 12 or SA-12?

    need to add another option called "BOTH" but i voted SA
  12. BIGJEFF64

    Looking for new 12" sub

    refoam it if the surround is coming apart and call it a day. it seems like nothing is gonna beat ur W6 so this is the best case scenario. and way under ur budget http://w.mawebcenters.com/midwestspeaker/ecommerce/diy-repair-kits/specialty-refoam-kits/jl-audio/jl-audio-12w6v2-12-refoam-kit-f12-14.html
  13. BIGJEFF64

    Which to get?

    both subs will get down nasty IMO and are well proven but u need a solid amp i would say at least 3k
  14. BIGJEFF64

    ascendant audio mayhem 12 or fi sp4 15

    mayhem is mine as well and for 300 thats not bad for used but if the cone is broke in pretty good u may wanna try to low ball and offer 250 IMO
  15. BIGJEFF64

    Icon 12, Worth getting fixed?

    i would epoxy it back and get a new dust cap and replace it whenever. it will look ugly but still get down
  16. i agree with the nendo or find a used AQ 2200 they would be under ur price and will do .5 all day err day!!!! but i also agree that u should decide what kind and how many subs ur gonna use before u drop coin on an amp
  17. BIGJEFF64

    bl or ssd?

    worst case u get it blown and recone it to what u want. most of the stuff people get from fi are usually fully loaded and universal anyway
  18. Not sure if this is the series you were talking about being better but i have always been told these were the best amps Powerbass ever put out... but that is just my opinion i would consider this first http://www.audiosavings.com/products/Mono-Car-Amplifier/NEW-POWERBASS-XA-1500D-1500-WATT-RMS-MONO-CAR-AMPLIFIER/XA-1500D.aspx as mentioned above buying an AQ amp would be 1st on my list for an amp below 2k rms and the price range http://www.audioque.com/aq/?page_id=26 or maybe a sundown amp if you can find a good price somewhere, do all of your research before you buy anything, then narrow it down based on your goals and budget. Yea the older powerbass xa's are much better than the new ones Im torn between and AQ 3500.1 or a powerbass XA4kd any ideas!!
  19. powerbass amps are good amps but if you can find an older extreme powerbass 1500.1 they are MUCH better!!!! imo
  20. I have an 01 dodge ram extended cab and I am debating on wether I should wall it with 2 18 BTL's or do a 4th order blowthrough. im leaning more towards the blowthrough for the comfort level but im afraid to cut!!! plus i have heard a few 4th order blowthroughs but none in a cabin space as big as mine (only in minis). What do i do
  21. BIGJEFF64

    1x SA-8 w/ SPL Coil : 151.6 dB Outlaw

    wow those crx's are like spl legends!!!!!!
  22. BIGJEFF64

    BTL-N2 pics

    awesome!!! deff lookin into buyin some 18's when there released i may wait for the n-3 or sg's
  23. BIGJEFF64

    BTL-N2 pics

    dont i know you!!!!!
  24. BIGJEFF64

    BTL-N2 pics

    hey scott r the baskets and cones the same as previous models? if so, will the motors be sold by themselves?
  25. BIGJEFF64

    BTL-N2 pics

    very true i retract my statement good sir!!!!!