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About 9512ss

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/10/1987

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  • Location
    Muncie, Indiana
  • Interests
    Car Audio and Cars in general
  1. 9512ss

    Explorer, AA Havocs, RF T10001bds = Vids!!!

    I love Kingpin Skinny Pimp...
  2. 9512ss

    Fi Team Shirts

    I assume I'm to late...
  3. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    thats what i was thinkngi but just asking ihm to go ahead and cut the holes so he can still do the covering then i can add aeros later. i found a good deal on some big equipment for my jeep so i may go that route and just throw an rli or something int he camaro for now
  4. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    i sent him an email about a ported box and he didnt really seem to sure about the whole idea of a tuning frequency i desired his reply was yes, i can add more port, when i asked if i could choose a desired tuning frequency
  5. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    you guys think if i ordered the like 3.2 box for a single fifteen and had him add two holes to my desired width i could just throw the aeroports in myself so i know they are right?
  6. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    where can youg et aeroports at now days?
  7. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    i may have to do that but i just really wanted it to have the beauty board for when its in the well... and the guy builds ported boxes, i just dont know if they are reasonably tuned or what
  8. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    i understand its pretty easy but i dont have the tools or space to do it... that is the problem
  9. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    i owuld like to do the ported deal but i dont have the knowledge tools or ability to build one and i dont trust the guy to make one... someone want to build me one for my 95 z28?
  10. 9512ss

    Choked RL-P's

    Would two 15 inch RL-Ps be choked in 3.2 cubes sealed for both woofers? Would Polyfill help at all? Thanks
  11. 9512ss

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ok cool i have a some friends THE have been watning to get metered
  12. 9512ss

    F-Body Install

    yea i know
  13. 9512ss

    F-Body Install

    yea i talked to jntar over on ca.com and i am going to discuss osme things with him on aim tonight but i think i may do a single ported Mag 15
  14. 9512ss

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    will this be a new termlab?
  15. 9512ss

    Car was stolen last night

    im really sorry to hear that man, that was a very sexy car