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About thauk10

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  • Birthday 01/23/1990

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    Novi, MI
  1. thauk10


    Alright so is the btl N2 most like the previous generation btls? if not what is most like the old btls?
  2. thauk10

    BTLs and SAZ-2500d

    Couldn't of said it any better. What coil config are the drivers? As long as you can wire the subs together to 1ohm then strap them. I believe you mean to two ohms, if you where wired to 1, each amp would be seeing .5 ohms the BTLs only come in 1 and 2 ohms. so you cant drop them two 1 ohm only .5. so would it be louder and more efficient to run them at 2 ohms strapped or not?
  3. thauk10

    BTLs and SAZ-2500d

    hey i was just wondering what you guys think i should do. Ive ordered two SAZ-2500ds and i am purchasing two 18" fi btls. Do you guys think i should daisy chain the amps together or run each amp seperate to each sub? thanks
  4. What is the lowest ohm the sundown SAZ-2500d can drop down to and still be stable?
  5. two saz2500 d, 270 watt alternator, and idk how many batteries yet
  6. What size speaker wire shoudl i use for BTL 18s?? thanksss
  7. thauk10

    Audio Barrier?

    link it pls... I can't seem to find it... http://www.hifisoundconnection.com/Shop/Control/Product/fp/vpid/7846052/vpcsid/12269862/SFV/30046
  8. thauk10

    Audio Barrier?

    you think so? would you use it?
  9. thauk10

    Audio Barrier?

    Whats up???? has anyone heard of audio barrier? If so is the stuff any good cause its soo much cheaper than the other dampening companies out there. if you have any info id like to know thanks.
  10. whats up, has anyone heard of Mechman alternators? if so what have you guys heard about them? http://mechman.com/store/product_info.php/cPath/8_717_1048_1912_1950_1953/products_id/273 ^^^^^ Theres the liink to the site.
  11. thauk10

    Fi BTL

    lol alright thanks man. have you ever heard of mechman alternators?
  12. thauk10

    Fi BTL

    alright man thanks, i planned on 2-3 batteries as well
  13. whats up. i just bought a 95' taurus. im running two btls in the back seat walled off, powered by two saz2500s, and also a four chanell. i was just wondering how many feet of power and ground wiring i would need to power everthing. thanks
  14. thauk10

    Fi BTL

    lol i dont plan on competing anytime soon. i also noticed you had an iraggi alternator, i tried to email that guy like a week ago and no response. did you have another email for him and also what size alternator do you think i should get.