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Everything posted by Swimmerdude

  1. Swimmerdude

    HU not powering up

    well, the fuse on the car blew but the HU didnt go on when hooked directly to a battery. It is a pioneer unit if that helps any. If i remember correctly, like an my alpine, you had to switch 2 wires or something to get it to work. Is there some trick on Pioneer's?? I'm about to go out there and hook it up myself cause my dad is a flippen retard about this stuff.
  2. Swimmerdude

    HU not powering up

    ground was hooked up too, sorry.
  3. Swimmerdude

    Who's liable? Sub broke Amp!

    Good to know for when i am in the search for a new alt.
  4. Swimmerdude

    Who's liable? Sub broke Amp!

    i dont really have any experience with HO alts but i know people run motor city reman alts. www.motorcityreman.com There also is excessive amperage, iraggi alternators, and ohio generator to look into. I believe motor city reman would be the cheapest out of the ones i listed.
  5. Swimmerdude

    Pics of my head unit

    are there many settings like crossovers and such?? My alpine cda-9851(last years model) has none of that and i kinda want it now. All mine has is like bbe, bass, treble, sub level, system1 and system2... not much else. I have heard that alpine's have gone down in features lately but i really like the look of them... im kinda the one button kinda guy i guess.... i hate having a million buttons on the HU.
  6. Swimmerdude

    how many

    Well, 3 rl-s's would give you a 1.334 ohm load. 4 D2 RL-p's would give you a 1ohm load. 6 D4 rl-i's would give you a 1.334 ohm load. Just some different options for ya.
  7. Swimmerdude

    how many

    You might get a funky load when getting so many drivers and the RL-s's only come in single 4ohm. What ohm does your amp put out 3000watts at?? Probably 3 of the RL-s's though. The site www.soundsplinter.com has all of the recommendations for power on their products. Whatever you get, its gonna be incredibaly loud!!
  8. Swimmerdude

    Post your Audio Setup!!!

    Right now... HU - Alpine CDA-9851 Front - stock Rear - stock Subs - 2 15" Kicker cvr's (2002 model) Sub Amp - Phoenix Gold X600.1 Future setup.... Front - some type of components that are like $150 (probably gonna get some late summer) and a small amp to power them Sub - 15" Sound Splinter RL-p (hope to get soon!!!) Sub Amp - PG X600.1
  9. Swimmerdude

    Hey Kids

    Kool. So does anyone use the online chat on here??
  10. Swimmerdude

    13W7 vs 2RL-p 12's

    and depending on how much power that infinity puts out, you might not need to change amps. I am planning on putting 600rms on an RL-p 15 once i get money and he said that is perfect in a ported box, right in the middle of what he recommends to them.
  11. Swimmerdude

    13W7 vs 2RL-p 12's

    Is the enclosure ported? It doesnt sound like it. Going ported would help out alot.
  12. Swimmerdude

    Hey Kids

    Oh, you dont know how many times i have heard that!! I like where i am now and i hope to like it here
  13. Swimmerdude

    Hey Kids

    this place seems to be similar to CAC cause its sort of a smaller board. I like that better. I read on Carstereos.org for a couple of weeks and i couldnt keep up with it... just too much going on there for me!!