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Everything posted by Swimmerdude

  1. Swimmerdude

    Jeep Cherokee big3

    Alright, today i went out to my Jeep Cherokee to upgrade my big3. The battery ground was simple, then i was about to do the battery to alt. Problem, there are 2 wires going out of the alt. and both go into the same loom(i think thats what they are called). Then I just start to look for the chasis ground point and i can not find it at all. So I am stuck, I am about to just say screw it. I know there are 1 or 2 guys on here who have a Jeep Cherokee, if they could help me out here, or if anyone has done work on Jeep Cherokee's to help me out. Thanks.
  2. Swimmerdude

    Execution Went To Competition

    Well, I decided to take my Elevation Audio Execution to competition this weekend and i would say i did pretty good. She hit 142.5db and i ended up taking second. It was is a box a little less that 3ft3 tuned to 45hz, but it was glassed to the tuning went up a little. Here are some pics guys, the top 6 are all recent upgrades and the box i used for competition. www.putfile.com/flyinonwater If i decide to compete some more next year, i will probably end up puting some sound deadener in there and try to find someone to find my Jeep's peak frequency so i can make a better box.
  3. Swimmerdude

    Set Me a Goal

    oh, i thought you ended the poll because you had a competition. I bet with a lot of hard work, you can make it up to 147. With little work, i got a 142.5
  4. Swimmerdude

    Set Me a Goal

    So how was the first competition??
  5. Swimmerdude

    Could someone explain this

    I think the number 1 rule for installing car audio is.... unhook power supply from everything!!! I guess you just learned something the hard way, that's all....
  6. Swimmerdude

    Execution Went To Competition

    Yeah, I really like how it looks too. I bet I can get that score up some more with sound deadener, different boxes, and more power. I need to find someone that can find my Jeep Cherokee's peak frequency or find someone that has a Jeep Cherokee that know their peak frequency.
  7. Swimmerdude

    Jeep Cherokee big3

    I'm not replacing any of the wires, I am adding. But the thing is, the alt has 2 wires coming out of it and i dont know what each wire is for.
  8. Swimmerdude

    Jeep Cherokee big3

    Well, both wires go into the same plastic cover, so i can't tell without taking them out.... and i dont know if i want to do that.
  9. Swimmerdude

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ok, I take that back... the Valentine1 is $400. The Passport 8500 is either $275 or $300... depending on which display you want.
  10. Swimmerdude

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you guys want to know about Radars... let me tell you something.... One of the best Radar Detectors you can buy is the Valentine1. I think there is something new out that is supposed to be better.... but i cant think of the name of it. If you want something pretty damn good, look into the higher end Passport. Sweet Radar right there. If you want something cheap, Cobra's are pretty nice. I know the price of the high end Passport is in the $300 area and the Valentine1 is like, $500 i wanna say? So yeah... there is my input.
  11. Swimmerdude

    Set Me a Goal

    I voted 147. It's going to be hard to get that far, you are probably going to go through a lot of test boxes and such to find what is perfect. Do you know your trucks peak frequency?? If you did, I know that would help a lot. I am going to be competing in a week and a half up here with my new Elevation Execution, running in Street B also!! I am probably only going to go to that this year to see what the sub can do and next year I am probably going to get serious. I am shooting in the area of a 145...... Good luck to ya!!
  12. Swimmerdude

    Elevation Audio Setup

    Well.... they have their own forum. You can get to it through their site. On caraudiocentral.net, there are a few dealers from Elevation Audio there.
  13. Swimmerdude

    Elevation Audio Setup

    Well guys, my setup consists so far of an Alpine CDA-9851, Elevation Audio DX1500.1, and an Elevation Audio 15" Execution. If you dont know about Elevation Audio, their site is www.elevatinaudio.com All I gotta say is that the Execution is amazing. It is a dual 2ohm sub and is being ran at 4ohm for now because my electrical system cant handle the amp being ran at 1ohm. The amp does like 700rms at 4ohm and will do 2000rms at 1ohm.... so you get the idea. Right now, it is in a ported box that has been given to me and it does really well in it. It is really loud even being powered by less than half of what the amp can put out!! Someone i know has an L7 in a 4.5ft3 ported box with 900rms going to it and this is louder than that. This thing also sound amazing!! I used to have 2 15" Kicker CVR's and this blows them away. It is louder and sounds soooo much better. The sub is meant for SPL but it sounds amazing. In a 2 weeks i will be going to a DB Drag competition around where i live (Michigan) and i shall see what it does. It will be ran at 1ohm there and since the car is off, the amp will probably push out aprox 1500rms. It will be in a 3ft3 ported box tuned to 45hz. People that have used the Executions think that i should easily be in the 140's but we shall wait and see what it does. The pics are here..... http://www.putfile.com/flyinonwater i went a lil crazy with pics so you guys can just go to there to see all of them. They are pictures from my phone so sorry in advance if they dont look that great. Hope you like!!
  14. Swimmerdude

    Elevation Audio Setup

    They do have reps, where do you live?? I bought my stuff from the Michigan/Wisconsin area rep.
  15. Swimmerdude

    Elevation Audio Setup

    Thanks guys. Once i decide if i want to keep that box or make my own, i will hide everything a little better. I am thinking about getting a set of the Elevation Concert525 components and using their DX80.2 amp when it comes out. But that wont be for a couple months.
  16. Swimmerdude

    RL-p with 1300rms??

    Not for sure if i will be getting the new amp yet, but its an Elevation audio DX2000.1. I was told it would do 1200-1300 at 2ohm. I am planning on getting a 15" RL-p. So, what do you guys think about 1300rms going to it?? I know it will be fine. So the next question, what type of box should i make sinch i am throwing so much power at them?? Should I go sealed just to be on the safe side??
  17. Swimmerdude

    RL-p with 1300rms??

    Ok, I am sorry for what i said but it sounded like you were just saying the subs were gonna be crap just like the LVS's. And I just picked the sub up today and once i get my Jeep fixed (some airhead backed into me) i will be putting her in.
  18. Swimmerdude

    RL-p with 1300rms??

    That Expedition is really nice and i bet will get insanely loud. Those amps have actually been bench tested at atleast 2000rms @1ohm at 13.8volts.
  19. Thanks. I am just looking for an amp that does what it is supposed to do. All i need is the 400.2 because it is going on a set of components that only need around 100rms.
  20. Swimmerdude

    RL-p with 1300rms??

    That it does!! I think it is something like 14" tall. The sub is a monster!!
  21. Swimmerdude

    RL-p with 1300rms??

    I am curious as to why you dont like 2 piece baskets
  22. Swimmerdude

    RL-p with 1300rms??

    yeah, overall output would be similar but depending on the tuning frequency, it would be louder.
  23. Swimmerdude

    RL-p with 1300rms??

    Actually, they should be very similar in output. With power being supplied from 1 amp, when you drop down to 1 sub, you lose 3db, but by going ported, you will gain 3db. So with just that, they sould has similar outputs. Anyways, all i am saying is that this years model is definitely louder than last years so that 141 could be a little higher if was using the new model sub. On another note, mrray13, i know you are well known here and are a very knowledgable person and everything, but dont go bashing products if you have never used them before.
  24. Swimmerdude

    RL-p with 1300rms??

    oh they are not a knock off lvs, trust me. I have heard them and wow..... just wow. It is a relatively samll company but makes high end products. A guy with 1 12" execution (last years model) and only like 1000 rms to it did 141. Now, this years model is a lot better. 1 of this years models ported is considerably louder than 2 from last years sealed.
  25. Swimmerdude

    RL-p with 1300rms??

    Thanks for all the input guys, but last week i was offered an Elevation Audio Execution for only $100 more than an RLp when the sub retails for $800 i think. You can see it here.... http://elevationaudio.com/newelevation/displayone.php?id=3 Maybe one day I will run RLp's but not yet.