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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Nova

    Bracket Requests

    Do you have a dual or triple alt bracket done for an '86 Chevy 350? I have a '70 but have the '86 style belts. It's a serpentine for the alternator and v for everything else. It's also a 6 rib serpentine. Let me know what you have.
  2. Nova

    D1400 Question

    I'm not but it looks like I'll have to sign up!
  3. Nova

    D1400 Question

    Not sure how many of these I would need to run an SD16KD. Also, what would be the advantages/disadvantages of running the 14V batt. vs 4 D3100's? I already have a D3400 up front, would I want to change this to a 14v batt as well if I decide to go with the D1400? Thanks, Nova
  4. Nova

    D1400 Question

    You the guy selling the SD16KD? Ha. I was going to go with 2 Stetsom 7K2's but after finding out how power hungry they are compared to the SD, I've decided otherwise.
  5. Nova

    D1400 Question

    Yeah. It'll be a while as it will be done in stages. Im trying to get a spending sheet done to see when I can buy what. Plan is 4 18" XL's in a 4th on an SD16KD. 24^ ported 12^ sealed.
  6. Nova

    D1400 Question

    Thanks Nathan. My plan is to run 2 Mechman 270 alts and a smaller alt to run the vehicle. I contacted Mechman about a 3 alt bracket so hopefully I'll hear from him soon. I planned on running the XS batts on a seperate charging system from the vehicle already as it should see less voltage drop. Battery specs own me. And lol @ Haters above. Duran, you'll be first to get a demo so I can hear, "Really?" I'm in West Valley.