Do you have a dual or triple alt bracket done for an '86 Chevy 350? I have a '70 but have the '86 style belts. It's a serpentine for the alternator and v for everything else. It's also a 6 rib serpentine. Let me know what you have.
Not sure how many of these I would need to run an SD16KD. Also, what would be the advantages/disadvantages of running the 14V batt. vs 4 D3100's? I already have a D3400 up front, would I want to change this to a 14v batt as well if I decide to go with the D1400? Thanks, Nova
You the guy selling the SD16KD? Ha. I was going to go with 2 Stetsom 7K2's but after finding out how power hungry they are compared to the SD, I've decided otherwise.
Yeah. It'll be a while as it will be done in stages. Im trying to get a spending sheet done to see when I can buy what. Plan is 4 18" XL's in a 4th on an SD16KD. 24^ ported 12^ sealed.
Thanks Nathan. My plan is to run 2 Mechman 270 alts and a smaller alt to run the vehicle. I contacted Mechman about a 3 alt bracket so hopefully I'll hear from him soon. I planned on running the XS batts on a seperate charging system from the vehicle already as it should see less voltage drop. Battery specs own me. And lol @ Haters above. Duran, you'll be first to get a demo so I can hear, "Really?" I'm in West Valley.