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Everything posted by BKOLFO4

  1. BKOLFO4

    fi bl keeps shutting off?

    x2 When the sub quits working, push in lightly on the dust cap and see if it comes back on. . . you can also pull the sub out of the box and inspect the wires connecting the sub and see if the tinsel leads look normal.
  2. BKOLFO4

    Fi Q15 Ported Box Plans

    29.5 is correct. Use this: http://www.carstereo.com/help2/Articles.cfm?id=31 Brian
  3. BKOLFO4

    how long will a 15'' BTL go??

    I hope they do alright, or mine are not going to last long. . . .
  4. BKOLFO4

    how long will a 15'' BTL go??

    Box tuned to 35 - SSF set at 28.
  5. BKOLFO4

    how long will a 15'' BTL go??

    Let's see. . . I have run mine multiple times 15-20 minutes at full volume. I burped mine 10+ times Saturday night full power, 42 Hz all within 20 minutes. . . My subsonic filter is set to prevent mechanical damage, and I know the limit of what it can take before it is stressed thermally. Brian
  6. BKOLFO4

    The wall has a new look. . .

    Still one amp per sub. I will only strap to compete. There is way more than enough output for any other time with them wired as they are.
  7. BKOLFO4

    The wall has a new look. . .

    Finally, a video. I happen to know that this song is playing right at 155 dB with bass centered at 40 Hz. This is Marshall's favorite part of the song. . . Edit - And if you notice that was a 1 minute video. Sub dust caps were not even warm at the end of the video. Brian
  8. BKOLFO4

    15'' fully loaded BTL

    Search on http://www.caraudio.com/forum/
  9. BKOLFO4

    15'' fully loaded BTL

    I have heard mixed reviews about that sub, but since I have not heard it myself, I will not comment. My BTL's face forward. Some drivers actually cannot be mounted firing down. You get cone sag from the weight of the cone pulling down on the spider. Brian
  10. BKOLFO4

    12" BTL enclosure

    How about 21.25" wide x 22" deep x 15" tall with a slot port on one side that is 13.5" x 2" and runs into the box all the way to 2.5" from the back wall. Or, you could do 21" wide x 20" deep x 15" tall and a 4" Precision Port 10" long. http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/showdetl.cf...tnumber=268-352 Brian
  11. BKOLFO4

    15'' fully loaded BTL

    I am pretty sure with the suspension system they have, they do not care about mounting orientation. . . I assume you are asking because you will have to tilt them to get them under the bed cover? They will definitely take abuse. . . .I have only had mine a couple of weeks, but I have put them to the test already I don't know how your setup performs now, but I would guess the BTL's with double the power will be louder if the install is done correctly. Brian
  12. BKOLFO4

    15'' fully loaded BTL

    What size L7's?
  13. BKOLFO4

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    8 was not enough?? same van??
  14. BKOLFO4

    PC Control of Satellite or Cable

    I use the Fusion HDTV card setup with verizon, but it wil not pickup the channels they scramble - I have to use the box for those. I am not sure which systems the card/software works with. I think most of these type of cards have issues with scrambled signals. http://www.digitalconnection.com/Support/cn_fusion_1.asp " Q. Can I record premium (encrypted) cable or satellite HD programs? A. No. All HDTV card "stores" high-def signals in their raw data form and decodes the signal during playback. Since Cable and Satellite services do not use same modulation format, their signals require dedicated tuners, and once decoded, cannot be routed to the input of the HDTV PC cards. "
  15. BKOLFO4

    To wall or not to Wall??? 4 15 or 18s????

    Didn't think about visibilty. . .I installed a review camera that comes on when backing up. . .
  16. BKOLFO4

    To wall or not to Wall??? 4 15 or 18s????

    Wow. . . .Don't be so hard on him. My wall is not a competition SQ setup, but still sounds awesome playing music. I have the PAC Subwoofer level control installed, so I have the ability to control the sub volume from full output to no output. It is very easy to blend the subs with the rest of the speakers, and I still have the ability to hammer the crap out of it when I want to. I agree, you will need more mids/highs to get a decent sound. I have (3) sets of speakers on 1000+ watts that get nice and loud. Funny, when I ran street beat at heatwave, multiple people commented on how they could not believe how loud it was and that I was one of the few that they could actually hear the song, not just bass. Why is a wall any more dangerous than a 200+ pound box in the back that can fly around?? If you don't want a 25+ ft^3 box, (4) 15's is more than enough for a wall in that small vehicle and can run in half the space. Brian
  17. BKOLFO4

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    (12) 15" arsenals. . . .
  18. BKOLFO4

    specs on FI subs

    2000 is the safe thermal power rating. It is actually possible to mechanically damage the sub with less power depending on the box deisgn (this is true with ANY sub). Many people, like myself, are push much more. Just have to know what you are doing and know how to recognize when you are actually pushing them past their limit. Many people also have 2000+ watt amps, but with impedance rise, poor vehicle electrical systems, etc. do not actually push over 2000 watts to the subs. Just remember, fried coils and mechanical damage from over excursion are not covered under warranty. . .
  19. BKOLFO4

    My setup

    I like it.
  20. BKOLFO4

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    (4) BL 18's with cooling and flatwind = $1476. You have enough room to port them too. . . Brian
  21. BKOLFO4

    The wall has a new look. . .

    Sold. . .
  22. BKOLFO4

    The wall has a new look. . .

    Gasket is back. . . It is just messed up now where the screw went through. . . . Honestly, I almost put them in without the gasket. . .
  23. BKOLFO4

    The wall has a new look. . .

    http://www.suspensionconnection.com/cgi-bi...scon/4108C.html Can't remember what you drive, but here they are for chevy. . . Brian
  24. BKOLFO4

    The wall has a new look. . .

    some of the build is here: http://www.*****.com/board/ind...t=0&start=0 This wall started out as (2) 18's, then became (4) 15's. I had (8) US Amps MD3D's, and now have (4) IA 40.1's. I will get video tomorrow and post it up. Brian