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Everything posted by BKOLFO4

  1. BKOLFO4

    box for Havoc 15"

    Nice. . .do you build a lot of boxes?
  2. BKOLFO4

    Alternator trouble

    If it is a newer vehicle, the alt may be regulated by the ECU. The voltage is regulated based on the need. I have a friend that always turns his marker light on while playing his system so the ECU will ramp the voltage up on the alt. My 2008 Silverado does that same thing, and it is all factory. . .drives me crazy. Brian
  3. BKOLFO4

    box for Havoc 15"

    I assume you want to build a ported box to replace the sealed one? Can you post up the maximum dimensions the box can be? Brian
  4. BKOLFO4

    Anyone care to design a box?

    NOt everyone drives an S-10. Post up some maximum dimensions. . .
  5. BKOLFO4

    Mayhem in 2.742 cubes??

    Adding 1-3" in that port setup is not going to make a noticable difference. And as already stated, you need to keep the 4" to the back of the box. Plug one of the ports and see what you think about the sound at a moderate volume. If you like it, you may have to rebuild the box, or add port length with the ports extended outside of the box. Brian
  6. BKOLFO4

    Mayhem in 2.742 cubes??

    I run mine on 4000+ each without any problems. Just did a pair of them on a sound stream XXX-10000D and they will take more, no problem. 2.7 should not hurt, but 40 Hz tuning is a little high unless you have a subsonic filter and it is set correctly. Brian
  7. BKOLFO4

    Mayhem in 2.742 cubes??

    2.7 for both, or each? sealed or ported? Gain setting is not a volume control. . .you could easily be getting full power out of that amp even at that setting. . .depends on your preout voltage.
  8. BKOLFO4

    which is which

    Do you have a pair of calipers? You could measure the gap and then Fi can tell you what they can do for you. . .
  9. BKOLFO4

    box help and opinions

    If the amp really does 1400 RMS, I would do a pair of 18's if you have the room. If not, I would do a pair of 15's. Do you already have one of the 18's? If so, what coils did you order? What are the maximum dimension of the area you have?
  10. BKOLFO4

    New AA SMD Woofer

    I already have 4 of my Mayhems sold (pending payment). Waiting patiently. . .
  11. BKOLFO4

    Fi sales: concerned

    I just tried it with an 18" BTL order. As far as Fi, Hardcore Customs is an AA dealer. . .I talk to Scott about once a week. Fi is a great company - place the order without any fear
  12. BKOLFO4

    Fi sales: concerned

    Wrong. . .Prices no longer include shipping. They were adjusted for average shipping and now actul shipping is charged.
  13. BKOLFO4

    Post Something About The User Above You

    gay avatar for sure.
  14. BKOLFO4

    Mayhem or BTL 12"

    I have used both - BTL = motor is single larger diameter slug Mayhem = triple stacked motor (4) BTL's were 0.7 dB louder vs. mayhems with the same box, same amps, but I did not measure actual power to see if the amps were making more power with the BTL's (Maybe slightly different impedance in the box). Mayhems seem to sound a little smoother. . . Brian
  15. BKOLFO4

    Parts Express 1000w sub amp

    did you bypass the ground prong?
  16. BKOLFO4

    Parts Express 1000w sub amp

    The guy from AVS had some interesting results. If I read it correctly, the Behringer EP1500 went from 400 to 550 watts from 4 to 2 ohms. Nothing near the rating. I do find it interesting he said the PLX3402 made 1800+ per channel at 20 Hz at 2 ohms and 2000+ at 1 kHz at 2 ohms in his test. Every other test I see on those amps (I own one) says it does not even make the rated 1700 watts at 2 ohms. The 2 ohm rating by QSC themselves is at 1Khz, not 20-20k and he got 10% over rated at 2.25 ohms at 20 Hz. That alone kills his tests for me. . . I was thinking about selling my QSC for a pair of EP2500's. . .maybe I should rethink it now. . .
  17. BKOLFO4

    Parts Express 1000w sub amp

    I built a system with a pair of them - 1 on an 18" sub, 1 on (8) 12" subs. They are making well over 580 watts each.
  18. BKOLFO4

    2 FI BTL 15"

    Opti4000D/Opti6000D are nice amps. Either one would power a pair of BTL's. Brian
  19. BKOLFO4

    (6) Mayhem 15's and (6) 40.1's

    Thanks man. . .I would love to hear your CRAZY van!!!
  20. There are plenty of dual source switch boxes. Kicker also makes the KQ5 EQ with 2 source input and 7 volt preout.
  21. BKOLFO4

    (6) Mayhem 15's and (6) 40.1's

    Finally, a short video: http://s183.photobucket.com/albums/x24/bko...nt=van001-4.flv When done with the video, this is what was waiting for me on the driver's side:
  22. BKOLFO4

    addtl options

    your facts are off a bit How so? No pole vent to start, even with no cooling options. P chamfer is the pole is chamfered to allow air to flow better. Cooling adds the channels along the outside of the pole. Cooling includes P Chamfer.
  23. BKOLFO4

    Ascendant Audio Avalanche 18s

    sealed or ported? Do you have maximum dimensions?
  24. BKOLFO4

    What happened here?

    2.3 ft. . .is it sealed? 1200 is plenty to get it going. Just need the correct box.