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Everything posted by BKOLFO4

  1. AA Carbon fiber mids would work great for that application. . . I know you can run the 18 in 5 ft^3 NET, but I personally would want closer to 6-6.5 if it was me.
  2. BKOLFO4

    Assassin 8 mounting depth

    I sent you a PM. . .
  3. BKOLFO4

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    Assuming the coil is not damaged, and since it is not constant, it sounds like a piece of trash got in through the pole vent and is rattling around. I learned the hard way to make sure the enclosure is super clean inside before you put the sub in and start playing. You could remove the dust cap and see if something is in there. . .
  4. that is what I said above. I bet you can measure the voltage with the car running or off and will see the same reading. Just curious, what did he say to check?
  5. BKOLFO4

    Woofer Speed

    Maybe I missed something. . .explain please.
  6. from the quick pics I found, it should have an additional connection other than just the battery charge wire. If this connection is not pluged in, or does not have power running to it, the alternator will not "start up".
  7. Sounds like it is just running on battery voltage. Check the ignition exciter wire and make sure it is 12 volts with the key on. Maybe you blew the fuse. . .
  8. BKOLFO4

    BL + Lows

    Give them 30 minutes of good hard playing time and you should hear some difference. MX is a totally different woofer from a BL. Not sure if you will ever get the same low end with BL's you had with MX's.
  9. BKOLFO4

    12ssd copper - sealed enclosure

    I assume from this post you have the UPS delivery all straightened out with Scott. . . FYI - Scott told me it is now #108.
  10. BKOLFO4

    18" old style BTL tuned to 35 hz

    I tune at 34-35 and don't have any problems with the rap music I play. . .
  11. BKOLFO4

    Help! 18" BTL Enclosure

    Also need some max dimensions to play with. Hard to design something if you do not know if it will fit
  12. BKOLFO4

    What's the best way to tune an Amp...

    No need to repeat the post from your last post. But since we are here, gain up halfway up does NOT mean anything since we do not know what the halfway setting is and do not know how much voltage your headunit puts out. And it darn sure does not mean the amp could only play at half output. The gain is to match input voltage with your headunit. If the gain is set at 1 volt, then the amp will make max power with 1 volt on input. If the gain is set at 10 volts, then the amp will make max power with 10 volts on the input. You either have to have a good ear for setting gain, or measurement equipment. The only way you can use it to limit output is to know your headunit's max output and set it at a voltage above that. As far as other settings, per your box design, the HPF should be around 28-30 Hz. Higher if it looks like the sub is being mechanically challenged LPF is set to what you think sounds good. Normally somewhere below 100 Hz Intelli-Q to minimum. Good luck!
  13. BKOLFO4

    Hairline crack?

    Ship it to: Fi Car Audio 5480 Cameron St #108 Las Vegas NV 89118 Include contact info and return shipping address along with a description of the problem so they know what it is when they receive it. Brian
  14. BKOLFO4

    TC 3hp Recone

    PM sent.
  15. BKOLFO4

    Bandpass for dd/fi hybrid recommendations

    He didn't. I already explained it will not just be a BTL recone kit. I am working with him to get the correct parts for it. Brian
  16. BKOLFO4

    Dude from Texas

    Welcome fellow Texan!!!
  17. BKOLFO4

    Box for 18" BL

    On a side note - I had the RE calc compute port length wrong a couple of times, so I quit using it. . . It is so easy to make calculations by hand. 1. You know how much net airspace you want. 2. You know how much port area you want. 3. By knowing where the port will be, you can determine the dimensions the port opening needs to be to get the correct port area. 4. Plug in the net volume and port size into a good port length calculator to get the length. 5. Find the port displacement (take into account the port walls). 6. Add the NET volume, driver displacement, and port displacement to get the GROSS volume. 7. Find dimensions for the overall box that will give that gross volume. When finding overall dimensions, keep in mind the port size you chose. Also make sure the port does not end up closer to the back wall than the port width. If the distance from the end of the port to the back wall is equal to the port width or smaller, you will have to make adjustments somewhere. . .L shaped port, shorter port, change overall dimensions, etc.
  18. BKOLFO4

    Box for 18" BL

    The rear portion is 4", the total port length is 27.25" That box is just under 8 ft^3 tuned to just under 32 Hz. Should work great! Brian
  19. BKOLFO4

    I Need a BTL recone for a dd9515

    PM sent. . .
  20. BKOLFO4

    Fi Shipping

    As long as you received paypal confirmation, you should be ok. The subs take a few days to build, since they are built to order. I bet you will get a tracking number shortly. Brian
  21. BKOLFO4

    Fi Shipping

    Does your paypal account confirm the payment was sent?
  22. BKOLFO4

    Again Fi BTL or Addictive Audio????

    Never listened to the AA15, but looking at the specs, I would take the BTL. I know I am partial to Fi/AA, but the BTL has more motor force, solid pole with additional cooling channels, more XMax, and definitely more power handling. BTL does not have warranty, but if you have a problem with a BTL, it is more than likely going to be a user error/problem that is not going to fall under just about anyone's warranty. I have run BTL's well beyond the designed limits and NEVER had a problem with one! Brian
  23. Opti4000D. Nice amp. They were even nicer when you could get reburbs direct with 2 year warranty for $680. Now it is $902 with 1 year warranty.
  24. Started thinking about those (16) 10's and had to post a picture. . .
  25. 4 ft^3 is not really large for a Q 15. Sounds just right. 1 ported would be my vote. As long as the box design is correct it should be ok on that amp (not that user error could not still destroy it). Also - It does not look like that amp has a subsonic filter. You could get the 20 Hz HP F-Mod and put in line on the RCA. Brian